Drunk man suing Jews in Zurich-Wiedikon with knife


Zurich, 10.7.18 (kath.ch) Late Saturday evening, an anti-Semitic incident took place in Zürich-Wiedikon. Several media reports that a drunken man sued a group of orthodox Jews with a knife while issuing anti-Semitic slogans. The Zurich City Police quickly arrested and arrested the German, who is meanwhile released.

Before the man continues the group of recognizable Jewish men as orthodox with a knife in his hand, it was according to the Jewish weekly magazine "Tachles" (July 9) came to a dispute between him and one of the Jews. When he then ran after the group on the Eichstrasse to Zurich-Wiedikon, the man could therefore be stopped by a non-Jewish smuggler. The passerby also called the police of the city of Zurich

The police considered the case rather harmless

It was already four minutes that the call was on the spot, as she said to "Tachles". The 38-year-old German citizen residing in Zurich has been arrested. The city police pointed out Sunday that there was still a distance of several meters between the man and the four Jews. In addition, the knife is always and without exception stuck in a shell.

From the police point of view, the fact that the man was very drunk also explains that it was a rather harmless and mild incident, writes "Tachles"

"The incident is striking. "

The Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG), on the other hand, expressed concern. "The incident is surprising." Jonathan Kreutner, General Secretary of GIS, told the tabloid "Blick" (July 8) that it is not common for Jews in Zurich to be threatened in the street. in this quality.There is therefore some insecurity in the Jewish community

Released from prison

The German could only be questioned by the police on Sunday morning.The night that he spent in A drunk cell After interrogation and a phone conversation with the prosecutor, he was released Sunday morning at liberty.According to "Tachles", the prosecutor opened a case. (bal)

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