Education: A new program – what now? Nine questions and nine answers – supraregional


The children went on vacation, the breaks were erased, but in the background the new school year is in preparation: the first to teach the guidelines of the new curriculum 21. In the canton of Zurich He is responsible for kindergarten teachers and students in grades one through five. One year later, Grade 6 students and high school students follow. What does it mean for students, for schools and for teachers? What's changing with this new program? Not much, have repeatedly emphasized Silvia Steiner (CVP), director of education in Zurich, and her department of education. This looks different elsewhere with teachers and critical associations, like Harry Huwyler, the president of Zurich Cantonal Intermediate (ZKM). Nine questions and answers before the school reform begins soon

What do parents and students notice about a new program? Especially at the new schedule: second graders have an extra hour of German. 3rd year and there with a third additional lesson. Fifth grade students will receive three French lessons instead of two. And they receive a new subject: "Media and Computer Science". The lessons in the design department are slightly reduced. In addition, students usually have more lessons than before.

Is teaching done differently? Not really. But the focus is more on skills-based and self-organized learning: children need not only to accumulate knowledge, but also to learn how to apply it. And they should work even more themselves. Teachers, in turn, are required to pay more attention to students and vary their teaching and learning styles according to individual needs and educational goals.

"Schools in the Canton of Zurich are ready for a new program" Marion Völger,
Civic Department of the Canton of Zurich

Can teachers do it? Basically. Most teachers already teach these principles today. But there are also worries: Harry Huwyler of ZKM is worried about even greater individualization. He says, "There are more and more children to integrate. However, the necessary resources will not be available.

Are students ready for this? With regard to self-organized learning, Huwyler fears that many students will be overwhelmed. "He needs the teacher as a teacher and not as a coach," says Huwyler. Marion Völger, director of the Volksschulamt Zurich, said: "The schools in the canton of Zurich are ready to implement the new program." And she was also convinced that the teachers were able to provide all the students with the necessary support . To avoid excessive demands.

Are all trained to implement the new program? Not quite. Huwyler finds it doubtful that there are too few training places for "Media and Computer Science". "Here, the township would only have to count the 5 classes," he says. The consequence is that in some schools, the trained person has to teach several classes in "Media and Computer Science". "Students have even more different teachers." According to the National Board of Education this case could occur in the first year. In the medium term, however, "media and informatics" will also be taught by classroom teachers. In the future, 880 elementary and secondary school teachers will be trained each year.

"The majority of schools are precarious and bored." Harry Huwyler
Zurich Cantonal Intermediate

Are the 5th classes "Media and Computer Science" equipped? There does not seem to be any insight. The situation varies from year to year. One community to another, according to the Volksschulamt According to Christian Hugi of the Zurich Teachers' Association, in mid-June, there were not enough computers everywhere. recommends that the older the pupils, the more computers available: in kindergarten, at least one computer for ten children, in the middle of their three and in the fifth of five. fifth is given a tablet to be handed in at the end of grade 6.

Is data protection sufficiently taken into account? Municipalities are also responsible here Harry Huwyler, President ZKM and director of the Allenmoos School in Zurich says: The city does a lot to c Nevertheless, we often notice that children are sometimes very careless or even careless. Above all, a much stronger parental commitment would be needed.

Are the necessary rooms available in schools? According to the Volksschulamt, program 21 does not bring any change to the rooms. Huwyler does not see it like that. Especially with regard to a highly individualized teaching, you need more rooms, like a computer room. But not all schools have such a thing. On the other hand, the Volksschulamt recommends that primary schools refrain from using a computer room. And even in high school, they are little in demand, since digital devices would be used in different subjects.

What is the mood before the implementation of Program 21? Here you can hear something different: On the one hand, teachers eagerly awaiting, especially the new topic of media and computer science. On the other hand, there are also voices like those of Harry Huwyler, who says that in college, the majority is insecurity and anger. He is convinced: "Most teachers would not have said yes to this reform in this form." (Zürcher Regionalzeitungen)

Date created: 18.07.2018, 16:34

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