Embankment fires Stoos SZ


At Stooshorn in the canton of Schwyz, an embankment caught fire on Friday noon for reasons that were not yet clear. Firefighters quickly extinguished the flames and set up a fire station.

A spokesman for the Schwyz Cantonal Police said that it was a small area of ​​Wiesland that had burned

. Prevent the fire near the fire extinguished. As the embers were located near a rock wall, a helicopter equipped with an infrared camera was used, as the cantonal police wrote in a message

Due to persistent drought, it There is considerable danger of forest fire in central Switzerland. In case of open fires in the open, special precautions must be taken, it is necessary to use solid fires. Outdoor fire in Ticino and in the southern valleys of Graubünden is currently absolutely forbidden

According to the Federal Hazard Map, the risk of forest fires is also high in parts of the canton of Valais and in the canton of St. Gall, Sargans and Walensee. Back to homepage

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