End of Frühzeitg with cell phone bells from Lucerne Peterskapelle


Lucerne, 21.7.18 (kath.ch) The action made headlines around the world: for a week, cell phone bells ring instead of bells coming from the Peterskapelle in Lucerne. Now, the artistic action will be canceled early Saturday. According to the Catholic Church of the City of Lucerne, people do not want to harass them any more noise.

Since July 16, the Peterskapelle, the oldest church in Lucerne, was ringing ten times a day on a mobile phone for about 20 seconds, with the artists Klarissa Flückiger and Mathola Wittmer trying to attract the Attention to the fact that today, instead of church bells, the bells of mobile phones determine the daily lives of contemporaries.

The action is expected to last until July 30. July For some neighbors in the old city, the ten-fold interruption of daily life had been too much due to the bell ringing the church tower. "We take this seriously," says Andreas Rosar of the pastoral city of the Catholic Church of Lucerne, according to the announcement. Residents are currently exposed to that of a neighboring building. The finishing will take place as planned on July 30 on the terrace of the chapel.

Global media coverage

The action was well received by the media: according to the Catholic Church of Lucerne (July 20), SRF radio and television and local media also spoke about the radio and French television RTS, Tages-Anzeiger, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, "20 Minuten" and the view on it. In addition, the history of the Salzburger Nachrichten, Berliner Morgenpost, Hamburger Abendblatt, Deutschlandfunk culture, German TV channels ARD and ZDF and the British BBC has been added. (sys)

Mobile phones come out of the bell tower

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