Escalade Ticket Inspection in Zurich: Preventive Detention for VBZ Employees Requested


At a ticket inspection at the Wipkingen railway station in Zurich, six people were injured Sunday afternoon. Now, the prosecution opened a criminal case against two parties

fbi. · A ticket inspection at the Wipkingen station ended Sunday afternoon in a fight. There is still a lot of things in the shadows, but it's clear: as a young Swiss did not have a valid ticket with him, five Zurich public transport employees stood up with him at Wipkingen station. There, however, the situation has intensified.

A dispute arises between VBZ employees, the passenger and a 50-year-old pedestrian standing at the bus stop. Six suffered minor injuries during the dispute. The 20-year-old man, who had no ticket, and a 45-year-old VBZ employee were arrested.

The passenger was released the same day. In contrast, the VBZ employee, aged 45, has been detained since the incident. Meanwhile, in his case, a request for pre-trial detention has been made, as the prosecutor Sabine Schwarzwälder says on request. On the other hand, she did not want to say what kind of criminal offenses she was leading against the man. This was the subject of the ongoing investigation. The prosecutor also opened criminal proceedings against the 20-year-old Swiss citizen. For the moment, Schwarzwälder did not want to give details about the opening or not of an investigation against the other participants.

The passenger, who had been arrested for a short time, spoke against the "sight" of the incident. He explained that it had come first to a verbal confrontation with the inspector. Later, the inspector grabbed him by the collar and overturned, in turn he had missed that punch. Subsequently, the other four employees of VBZ rushed. "The guy I hit banged my head while I was on the ground," the young man said. He had the temples, the jaw, the ear and the back of the head encountered.

A night with Zurich's inspectors of public transport. –
Passengers who simply want to get off the bus or get on the bus are also checked. (Photo: Selina Haberland / NZZ)
During the day, only about 1% of passengers drive in black at night, about 9%. (Image: Selina Haberland / NZZ)
There are many excuses. Popular, for example: "Nobody told me that I had to solve a night surcharge." (Photo: Selina Haberland / NZZ)
Who can not show a night supplement, paid 75 francs. If you do not have a ticket, you pay 100 francs. (Photo: Selina Haberland / NZZ)
20 of the 440 stops in the city are monitored by video. (Photo: Selina Haberland / NZZ)
A total of 3.4 million francs was introduced in 2016. (Photo: Selina Haberland / NZZ)
Inspectors are usually accompanied by police or employees from a security organization. (Photo: Selina Haberland / NZZ)
Many young people try to haggle the price of buses if they can not show a ticket. It does not help. (Image: Selina Haberland / NZZ)
From time to time, there are acts of violence on the part of the passengers towards the inspectors. Offenses are always displayed consistently. (Photo: Selina Haberland / NZZ)
Controlling a bus takes about 90 seconds. He can not go any longer so that the calendar does not spoil. (Image: Selina Haberland / NZZ) To article

Night VBZ control with police protection

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