According to Stefan Wäckerlin, the chairman of SVP Schmerikon, only 50 registrations have taken place up here. Therefore, the local party had decided to cancel the major event scheduled on August 1 in the old cemetery. "The number of requests would not have been enough to cover the costs that would have been incurred by the event," says Wäckerlin. The local party greatly regrets the cancellation. They wanted to organize a celebration for the entire population of the region
Please continue the causal research
With the cancellation also the performance of the Representation of the Council of States Karin Keller-Sutter falls into l & # 39; water. "I'm sorry for the organizers – it's commendable that they wanted to do something, because many communities do not do it anymore," she says. </ P> <p> She feels that it's difficult to establish a new opportunity on August 1. "The celebrations that have lasted for years have become easier. The same people always come, and the organizers know what they need to be prepared for.
At SVP Schmerikon, root cause analysis is only in its infancy. "It's hard to say why so few people have registered, we've had different reactions," says Wäckerlin. "Some said the event was taking too much time, others were too expensive to them. But there were also positive comments. "Registration was required for the event. For an adult, it costs 26 francs. The price includes a buffet lunch included. The national counselor SVP, Lukas Reimann, should also speak
"Maybe the fact that you had to register was a factor," says Wäckerlin. "Many did not want to engage in what they do on August 1. It also depends on the weather." The SVP, however, had to rely on applications to plan, for example, to inform suppliers
Money in the sand
Since the local party has already started the preparations, the flyers .. printed and displayed ads, the money is lost with the cancellation. "The cost will be borne by a private anonymous donor." The consequences of rejecting SVP Schmerikon are unanswered. "We still have to discuss it. We will certainly not rush into the next project, says Wäckerlin.
In Uznach, the national holiday will be celebrated for the first time on the eve of August 1st. "Maybe it's not a bad date, you can hear it more often," Wäckerlin says. Even the keynote speakers are easier to find for this day
Uznach innovates
The organizers of Uznach hope to mark more guests at the new date than in previous years: "We considered what we could do next to the faithful To attract regulars and new audiences, "says René Mächler of the Uznach Tourist Board." That is why the holiday will be celebrated on the night of the day. before, and people will have time for the family the next day. "The support program is also more versatile than in previous years, so it's appealing to more guests.
you had to register, play a role. "
How many people actually come, remains to be seen." In any case, we bought more food and drinks than in previous years – we also have to dare some something, "says Mächler, as on August 1 of this year ee is relatively far from the end of the holidays and many would take long bridge days safely, so the assault might not come. "Then we have to sit longer and eat more."
Mächler does not notice a diminishing interest in the celebration. "The number of visitors has been stable in recent years, although in a comfortable setting." According to the lecturer, there were eruptions up. "
Benkner private, Schänner double
In some communities, as in Benken, there is no more party for August 1. "Ten or fifteen years ago, the tourist office organized something for us, but it stopped it. As far as I know, the attendance was rather low, "says community writer Urs Beck. Many Benkner prefer to organize even small celebrations with neighbors in the neighborhoods.
In Schänis, on the other hand, the political community organizes an event. Here is celebrated the evening of July 31 and the next morning. "Both events are enjoying great popularity, which makes us happy," says community writer David Reifler.
Also in Rapperswil -Jona, where Rapperswil Zürichsee Tourism organized an event on behalf of the city, officials noted "We still have about 300 people," says Irene Schuler of Rapperswil Zürichsee Tourism. "I do not think that interest diminishes."
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