Fountain – A Binnigen bursts a 100 year old water pipe – News


On the affected road, the line licks for the second time this year.

The industrial water network of Industrial Werke Basel (IWB) extends over 780 kilometers. Each year, one to two percent of the pipeline system is being renovated according to plan. However, it was not in the annual plan that there was line breaking on the runway in the city near Binningen. Here, the water came back to the surface last Friday, as reported by the "BZ Basel".

"The water gushed from the sewer plate and then sank along the mountain track here," says one resident. This is the second time this year that the line is licking on the street. Therefore, it is incomprehensible to them that the IWB has rehabilitated only part of the lines: "The fact should immediately redevelop the whole street, I think."

All old lines are verified

IWB spokesman Erik Rummer, but only for the year 2022. "All lines that are over 60 years old, are checked." The lines on the runway are close to a hundred years old and therefore are longer on the radar of the IWB. After the second breakup in a few months, IWB is now studying whether it would prefer the planned renovation.

Incidentally, the lines reinstalled by the IWB have a lifespan of about 100 years. Just like management, which caused problems in Binningen

(Regional Journal Basel, 17.30)

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