Friedrichshafen: From Rorschach to Friedrichshafen: Standing on the lake in record time


It's done. Almost eleven o'clock in the morning, four paddlers arrived in the harbor of Friedrichshafen, applauded happily by onlookers. It took them three hours and forty-five minutes to transport the 21 kilometers from Rorschach, Switzerland, across Lake Constance to the German coast. A record because it was a first crossing on eight stages.

  David Hoppensack, Dario Aemisegger, Alain Luck and Boris Bischof (from left to right) look forward to their first successful crossing of Lake Constance. Image: Anette Bengelsdorf
David Hoppensack, Dario Aemisegger, Alain Luck and Boris Bischof (from left to right) are pleased with their first successful crossing of Lake Constance.
| Image: / Cyrill Schlauri / Bengelsdorf

The idea is born of desire. "Sometimes I sit on Lake Constance," said recently one of the four Swiss, Dario Aemisegger, "and you can not see the other shore". Sufficient reason for the 41-year-old to think of a foggy day, where we would disembark, we would paddle directly from Rorschach to the north

Since the spring is practiced

One would need to "rush". a compass, supplies, water and a lifejacket, then you would get to Friedrichshafen, simply. That's how Dario Aemisegger, who discovered a standing paddler a few years ago, took three other paddlers to the lake: Boris Bischof was able to inspire David Hoppensack and Alain Luck.

Video: Wälli AG / Alexander Wimmer

Without any preparation, they did not want to tackle their adventure over a distance of 21 kilometers, and so intensely practiced since the spring. This Tuesday, at 7:25, the time had come. On the most recent and best boards they could get, the first four shooters were leaving in the Rorschach harbor basin. "At first it seemed like the lake would be very calm," says Boris Bischof describing the adventure. But in the middle they had to face high waves that pushed the wind from the northeast of Bregenz

Demanding and unilateral

So they had, contrary to habit, always paddling on the same side, not to be aborted. "It made it very demanding and one-sided," he said. But with the two sailing companions, the amateurs felt safe at all times. "We spent food and drinks on the way," says Sandra Bischof, who accompanied the men on the canoe. Shortly after eleven o'clock – after three hours and forty-five minutes – the four men entered the harbor with their two escort boats.

As a sign that there was still enough strength, Boris Bischof kept a pick on his chart and Alain Luck paddled on. Should you have to paddle the next year from Friedrichshafen to Rorschach? – "We would play at the arrival of the music of the city", says confidently a Swiss escort driver

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