Furka Pass: a Spanish passenger car is stuck in Uri


C & rsquo; was tight! A Spanish car got stuck on Saturday afternoon on the Furka Pass road towards the Uri Valley. The curve was too narrow for the bus several meters long, report several eyewitnesses. Instead of a panoramic view, there were scratches, bumps and cracks in the formwork.

BLICK reader Alain F. from Basel reports: "We wanted to climb the pass when we saw this bus in front of us. At first we thought that he could go around. "When he saw the many people around the bus, all the Spaniards seemed to him." We wanted to help, but the professionals were already in action, "says the eyewitness.

The Uri cantonal police confirms On request they had to leave but no one was injured, it was just a breakdown For people in and around the bus gabs still a shocking moment: The bus was not even two meters next to the abyss. (pma)

Posted 21.07.2018 | Updated 1 minute ago

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