Gardeners demand a minimum wage of 4000 francs


Gardeners have a hard day's work. On Saturday, a delegation of the Swiss Garden Association in Aarau demanded a minimum monthly salary of 4,000 francs.

  Gardeners require a minimum wage of 4,000 francs from the Swiss Garden employers' association. (Photo: KEYSTONE / SIGI TISCHLER)

Gardeners require a minimum wage of 4000 francs from the Swiss Garden employers' association. (Image: KEYSTONE / SIGI TISCHLER)


The maladministration in the industry should be addressed, asked the delegation at the headquarters of Jardin Suisse. As announced by the Unia union, monthly wages in the gardening industry are 1,000 francs lower than those in the construction sector. It's incomprehensible.

In addition to the minimum wage, the union also requires at least five weeks of vacation and early retirement. Gardeners should finally enter into negotiations at the national level. Finally, a collective agreement was negotiated in Romandie and a cantonal agreement in the canton of Schaffhausen.

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