Gets the biggest gear – sports


The farewell was fairy: Due to chronic hip problems, Martin Grab resigned on May 6 – after celebrating his 33rd crown victory completely unexpectedly two weeks earlier at Zug Cantonal.

Now, the Rothenthurmer is facing a positive doping control. Ironically, Grab, who stood like the others for the noble values ​​of swing sports. As a result, the case swirls sawdust – seven questions and answers about it

When was the grave verified?
April 17, five days before his last crown in Zug Cantonal. On June 26, Anti-Doping Switzerland informed the athlete of the result of Sample A.

What prohibited substance is it?
Traces of tamoxifen were found in the sample. It is an active ingredient in the group of anti-estrogens used for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. Since 2005, the substance is on the list of the World Anti-Doping Agency, "because tamoxifen prolongs the action of anabolic steroids or testosterone in the body," says the expert in doping Matthias Kamber

"I am upset. Swinging is my life. I've always worked for a fair and clean sport. During my career I have been tested many times – and still negative. Therefore, I can not explain this sample A positive. I am convinced that I am clean today. I assure you that you have never consciously and voluntarily taken prohibited substances, directly or indirectly. "

Grave resigned, what consequences does he have to expect?
The presumption of innocence applies until the opening of the law. Sample B requested by Grave. According to Kamber, Sample B will confirm 99.9% of the result of Test A. If this is the case, and Grave can not conclusively explain the positive results, it would probably be blocked for four years, because of the previous resignation, it would be a penalty without effect.A bus should not exist.Sure, the victory in the canton of Zug and the crown at the Schwyzer Kantonalfest would be denied.Not to mention the damage to the Image

Is this the first case of doping in swing sports?
No, about the sixth. In 2001, Beat Abderhalden, brother of the triple joker King Jörg Abderhalden, was taken with a testosterone value too high (18 months of lock) The Bernese Thomas Wittwer is re sté stuck with anabolic steroids in 2005 (two-year blockage). Stefan Marti was proven in 2012 the drug modafinil, that he must take because of his sleeping sickness – 6 months of lockdown. The Peter Bänziger of St. Gallen – like the vibrator Mittländer Marti no top – was stuck in 2013 two years after the Customs Inspectorate intercepted a message sending him banned substances. Shortly after, Bruno Gisler was tested positive for nimethamide (stimulates the respiratory and circulatory system) and was banned for six months.

Who controls the oscillators?
Until the fall of 2016, the Swiss Federal Wringer Association conducted its controls with its own anti-doping authority. However, the longer the time has come, the more charges that his own athletes would be protected. The association is now a member of Swiss Olympic and has joined Antidoping Switzerland.

How often are vibrators controlled?
The situation has changed dramatically since the transition to anti-doping Switzerland. During and after the competitions, the controls multiplied. Matthias Sempach, the king of the fight in 2013, says that a winner of the series will certainly be tested half a dozen times each season. Swingers do not have to specify day-by-day where they are, but indicate the places of training and longer stays abroad. At festivals, not only the best athletes take samples, but also vibrations, who retire after four out of six courses.


Created: 13.07.2018, 22:43

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