Glarner, Wermuth and indignation of Cervelat: "You discriminate against a minority" – Canton (Aargau) – Aargau


Glarner sees a question of principle

Glarner explicitly points out that his mother does not mean Strengelbach school. And in the Cervelat case, "the fundamental question is whether we must adapt to immigrants, especially Muslims, or whether they should adapt to us". He fights against the fact that schools shower and parents prescribe what they have to put on the grill.

Here Wermuth still hung. It was not possible to involve Muslims, they wanted to impose something. Especially after this case, several Muslim organizations have reported and made it clear that they do not want any special rights (AZ reported). "What you are doing is a scapegoat policy to discriminate against a minority," said Wermuth Glarner.

Now Glarner and Wermuth have something in common: both have used provocation in their political careers to introduce a topic into public discussion. In response to a question from moderator Anne-Käthi Kremer, however, the SP National Council refuses to be compared to Andreas Glarner. "Provocation is not an end in itself: Andreas Glarner pulls on the people of a minority who can not defend themselves." He, even in his days Juso, has never done that. He had criticized federal councilors or people with money and a public relations mechanism behind them that could fight back. (Pz)

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