Hansjörg Trachsel becomes chairman of the board of directors of Cresta Palace Celerina


On the occasion of the next General Assembly in October, the VR Presidium will be transferred to the former Graubünden Government and Civil Engineer Hansjörg Trachsel, according to a statement from Cresta Palace Celerina AG.

Trachsel was previously Mayor of Celerina and 1986-1994 From 2005 to 2014, he headed the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of Graubünden Canton as a member of the Governing Council. From 2007 to 2016, he was also a member of the Swiss Tourism Board. Gian Giacum Klainguti, majority shareholder and board member of Cresta Palace Celerina AG, explains: "With Hansjörg Trachsel, we have found the ideal composition to successfully pursue the development initiated in a prosperous future."

Trachsel follows Pinösch

The appointment will be replaced by the hotelier Annatina Pinösch, who leaves the board after 31 years. "We have recently invested a lot in the offerings and services and have been able to implement strategic objectives under the direction of Kai Ulrich," explains Annatina Pinösch. For her, it is the right time to entrust responsibility to new hands. The same goes for Riet Pfister, who is also leaving the committee and whose knowledge of the sector has been very valuable in the change and departure phase. "I am confident that Cresta Palace is well positioned with this new positioning," says Pfister.

Among others, Pinösch ran the American Colony Hotel in Jerusalem, Bad Schinznach AG, the Mövenpick Golf Hotel in Egypt's Egyptian Sharm. Sheikh and the Lindner and Alpentherme hotels in Leukerbad. Dr. Riet Pfister follows Dr. Riet Pfister. Philipp Candreia, who will support the AG in legal issues, he says in the message.

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