Here, the double killer returns to the scene!


It is wet, felt 40 degrees. Suddenly, a prison car drove to a six-family house at Hausen AG. The so-called double murderer R. B. * (age 54) descends handcuffed and handcuffed. Guarded by the police. He is back. On the act of reconstruction.

But instead of thinking of the victims, Kosovar complains. "On the way, he said it was hot," said a resident to watch. She had seen and heard "strange scenes" yesterday.

R. For example, on January 8, 2018, his Albanian wife Alma B. * († 38) and his sister Ilda F. * († 31) were stabbed to death. The welfare recipient was arrested on the spot (Blick reported)

"Pale and very, very old"

Now R. B. had to return to his apartment on the middle floor. The neighboring children are already in school when it is introduced. "He is pale and very, very old," says a witness

As usual in such a case, R. B. must answer the questions and explain how all this happened on the scene. Also the photos should have been made. "After about two hours, they returned," says a local resident. R. B. must return to prison.

Why did R. B. go crazy that day in January? Residents are also convinced after the fact that Alma has made her husband jealous. Moreover, she was – when her sister from the south of France was visiting – often with her at the exit and did not look so good for the three children together (7, 14 and 16 years old) ). A member of R. B. said after the fact, "I do not say anything about this woman!"

She always removed the commercials

It was very different from the brother-in-law of the sisters killed. "A. For example, Alma has been abusive for years," said Kreshnik G. * (37) She had been to the police twice, but in the end she always withdrew the ads.

Also the day before the act Alma should have been out, was this a mortal dispute with her husband? One thing is certain: your children are the victims.Since then, they live in the children's home. 19659004] Investigations almost completed

And what about RB? "We do not comment on the testimony of the accused," says Fiona Strebel, spokesperson for the prosecutor's office in Aargau. "We will communicate then the completion of the procedure. "

That should not take much longer.Kreshnik G., the brother-in-law of the sisters killed, says on demand:" The investigation should be completed at the end of July, then I finally know more about the terrible death of both. "

* The names of known publishers

Posted on 05.07.2018 | Updated at 00:22

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