Holiday care in the canton of Zug: the offers are being extended


The care of children for the holidays is "important to reconcile work and family life," says the canton. Some communities offer appropriate options for the summer holidays. The offers are extensive: The city of Zug creates additional seats.

Andreas Faessler

  The ZuKi Association offers full-time day care. New this also has a detective laboratory of nature. (Image: Wener Schelbert)

The ZuKi Association offers full-time day care. New this also has a detective laboratory of nature. (Photo: Wener Schelbert)

The most beautiful six weeks of the year began Monday for many schoolchildren. If there are many childcare options for children during school, many families must take care of extra vacations during the school holidays. At least for all those days that do not fall on common holiday time, holiday camp or offers like the holiday pass. There are several options for holiday care for kindergarten and elementary school children in the canton of Zug. Some municipalities of Zug and the city itself have corresponding options

The city of Zug offers the largest offer in the Cantons with what is called the "train of holidays" – during the ten weeks school holidays, 54 places are available. take advantage of child care offers or be on a waiting list. The town of Zug addresses directly to children, who are entitled to one of the holiday locations. During the summer holidays there is the "holiday train" for weeks three to six with a full day program. "Our day care service during the school holidays is experiencing an ever increasing demand," says Erwina Winiger, youth chief of the Department of Education. It turns out that more and more parents are working and therefore depend on extra-familial care. "In the meantime, the four weeks of summer are complete.There is a waiting list of 15 to 35 children per week." In recent years, weeks five and six have been the most requested. The holiday service of the city of Zug is expanded due to the high demand. Erwina Winiger: "Given that we have long waiting lists, especially during the two-week school holidays, we can open a third place from the autumn of 2018." 279 holiday places in the Zug city

In Cham, the association Zukunft Kinder (ZuKi) of Erlebnisraum Teuflibach offers a full day childcare service, also available for children from l & # 39; outside. During the last three weeks of summer vacation, 25 children found a place in daycare. Manager Sha Ackermann expects that, even with additional short-term listings for the summer holidays, she is relying on her experience, which is why she notes a growing demand at ZuKi . In addition, Cham municipality adjust the prices of the next autumn holidays. "This will allow even more families to place their children in vacation centers," she says. For this reason, other increasing numbers are expected for the 2018/19 school year.

In the neighboring municipality of Hünenberg, families can enjoy one of the twelve vacation spots for their offspring if necessary for the fourth or sixth week of summer vacation. The offer in the Kemmatten Pavilion is also open to children from other municipalities, but for which a different fee is applied.

Baar schools offer a total of 20 places in the central Dorfmatt B school in the first and second week of summer vacation. Contrary to what has been mentioned previously, a place can be requested in Baar for children who have already passed primary school – the maximum age is 14 years old.

Also Menzingen schools have an offer that does not refer to the kindergarten and primary school are limited – upper secondary students can also enjoy a whole day's holiday during the fifth and sixth week of summer vacation.

With the 2017/18 school year, the Neuheim School also introduced the holidays. The summer holiday module is also valid for the fifth and sixth week of vacation

In addition to the municipal holiday places, there are other offers related to the project or the establishment in Zug such as the day care offered by the GGZ during the three weeks. Or the internal offer of the Swiss International School Rotkreuz-Zug, where for a week a holiday care can be booked for children. The Montessori Day School in Baar also offers similar things for the first four weeks of summer vacation. A resort option recognized by the canton also applies to take-best-care GmbH in Rotkreuz with its HoliDay House

Most of the city holiday offers have a constant occupancy rate or growing – offers are widely used. In any case, the canton of Zug is basically in good shape with regard to family and school support. Since 2005, the entire spectrum has been statistically recorded at the cantonal level, and it has become evident that the offer has been continuously expanded. Although the day care service is not regulated by the Child Care Act, the canton of Zug includes it in its investigation. "Because it's important to reconcile work and family life," says the canton.

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