If the announcement becomes an incomprehensible clatter – Sunday newspaper


27.91 points jubilation separated from the constellation. The top of the flop The leader of the latecomer: the Meiringen-Innertkirchen-Bahn (MIB) of the Waldenburgerbahn. A quality measure by the Federal Office of Transport this week crowned the Bernese Oberland Zug the best regional railway in Switzerland, the one that was the worst of Basel. Visual Inspection of the Two Model Railways:

Waldenburg BL

In the old 1100-community community station, there are three red and white railway wagons from the Waldenburg Railway. It's just after 7 o'clock. On the platform, a man in the working class shoots his cigarette one last time. He quickly takes the big three steps, just before the door closes, and sits in one of the quads. On the other side of the hallway, a lady in the two-passenger compartment nods a silent "Hello" and continues typing on her laptop. Behind her, a business man in a suit unpacks his laptop and puts the computer on his lap. There is no table on the train. A student reads a suburban newspaper. It's quiet like a mouse.

Innertkirchen BE

Colorful flowers and a wooden dwarf decorate the modern station Grimseltor in Haslital. The red and white railcar of the MIB gets up. It's just after 7 o'clock. A senior couple and a young woman came by bus from the nearby village of Guttannen. Retirees on the way to Enkelhüeti, young employees of the hotel to work. On the way to Meiringen, they take the train from here. She does not care that she drives in the opposite direction. "It's more comfortable in the train than here," says the old lady. Therefore, they drive to the next terminal station, where the train turns to the headquarters of the Oberhasli Power Plants (KWO). There, the driver of the engine Werner Schneider crosses the wagon in the cabin of the other driver. He has guided the MIB for 19 years and welcomes his passengers in passing.


The three-part composition is set in motion. As soon as she has picked up speed, it's over with calm – not just because some windows are open. Due to the traffic noise, the announcement of the next station degenerates into an incomprehensible rattle. This is the main reason why the Web has performed poorly in the measurement of quality. "Passenger information is difficult to hear in a train," says Alfred Schödler, deputy director of Baselland Transport AG (BLT). The operator of the Waldenburgerbahn responded. She asked her employees to announce the next stop in the train still standing.


The engine driver Werner Schneider continues, this is the fifth time this morning towards Meiringen. Two minutes later, he announced the station Grimseltor. His announcement is audible, even if his vehicle is noisy. "It's the old car," says the old woman. The regular train is quieter. The ads are automated in and in German, French and English. "The ordinary vehicle is in the shop, which is why the old replacement train is bad," says Schneider.


"The train is unreasonable," says the businessman. Strong, warm in summer as it is not air conditioned, and the available space is that of the wood class. It becomes clearer to the nearest Liestal terminus. The train fills with commuters, forcing tall adults to put their knees aside so that they do not touch the legs of the opponent. Nevertheless, the businessman shows some understanding, finally, an improvement is in sight: the Waldenburg railway will be completely refitted over the next four years. "We are investing about 250 million francs in infrastructure and 60 million in new rolling stock before the timetable changes in 2022," says Deputy Director Schödler.


In Meiringen, seniors say goodbye to their young neighbor Werner Schneider. He turns his vehicle. This has mutated on the next trip to the headquarters of the Oberhasli power plants, the railway operator, to the mobile Stammtisch. KWO employees exchange the latest gossip on the way to work, talk about the weather, the day ahead. You are by yourself.


The Waldenburg railway runs in Liestal. There, the Finn suburb takes place in a four-compartment compartment. He is used to the old train and also finds words of praise: "He is still at the hour". Get used to the fact, however, that one must stop at the push of a button, as in the bus of some stations. "The train has already passed," he says with a smile. He criticizes, however, the fact that ticket inspectors are generally hostile


Even on the road from Meiringen to Innertkirchen, the train sometimes stops on demand. For example, in Aareschlucht-Ost, one of the most spectacular stops of the Swiss rail network. It is located in a tunnel where the space is restricted. The stop attracts a number of tourists and calls the Schneider engine driver's accuracy because it only opens a single door of the train. The MIB Accustomed gives the railway employees excellent testimony: not only friendly, but punctual. "Sometimes they stop even when a commuter is late and they see him running."


A group of healthy retirees takes place in Liestal. They go hiking together. They remember their school days and their journeys with the "Waldenburgerli", and then still worked with steam. "It was so slow that we had a lot of fun getting out of the car, getting out and leaving," recalls one elder with a mischievous smile. In unison, it says in the group: Of course, you look forward to the new train. But somehow the "Waldenburgerli" will be missing. In the same vein, a young woman beats. The lack of air conditioning does not bother her, she appreciates that she can still open the windows this turn. Although it is not the most modern means of transport. "But it's simple and belongs to our valley, I'll miss it."


The MIB is not to be missed not only for the employees of the power stations, but also for the Haslital students who go at school in Meiringen. They populate the wagon before and after class and visibly appreciate the unattended time. Two girlfriends put their heads together and whisper. In the next compartment are four guys with their recent player success. And in the driver's cabin, Werner Schneider celebrates the Grimseltor station for the umpteenth time.


The Meiringen-Innertkirchen-Bahn has gained a leading position, thanks to the identification of its employees. Although the Waldenburg railway no longer meets the usual standard, it can not be addressed nicely. However, it is also a fact that as far as the quality of the federal government is concerned, the emotional elements are missing – for example, the solidarity of the population with the historic railroad. For this reason alone, the "Waldenburgerli" does not deserve the dubious title of the worst regional train in Switzerland. (SonntagsZeitung)

created: 07.07.2018, 22:12

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