In these professions as of today, the national priority applies


<figure class = "image-c item active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = " 2 / d24efe00-0c29-4d9e-a28c-8d648a9ea702.jpeg? Rect = 57% 2C0% 2C910% 2C684 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

National priority: These industries are affected [19659002] From July Vacancies in sectors with an unemployment rate of more than eight per cent are reported to the RAV with a view to occupying, as far as possible, vacancies in Switzerland and to the extent possible. slow down immigration, especially in the construction sector National priority for transportation. (Symbol image)
Image: Keystone


Beginning in July, vacant positions in sectors with an unemployment rate greater than eight per cent must be reported to the RAV. The aim is that vacant posts should be filled, if possible, with people already living in Switzerland and that immigration is slowed down. Especially in the construction industry, the so-called domestic priority comes into play. (Icon)


<Figure class = "image-c item item active lslide" data-component -name = "Image" data-src = "https: // % 2C908% 2C683 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

National priority: these industries are affected

Unemployment in construction occupations is greater than 15%., Occupations requiring notification include concrete workers, cement workers, plasterers. (Symbol)
Image: Keystone

Unemployment in construction occupations exceeds 15%. The professions to be notified include concrete workers, cement and plasterers. (Icon)


<figure class = "image-c item active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs- "data-sub-html ="

Domestic precedence: These industries are concerned

Stucking jobs should also be filled, if possible, with Peresnen living in Switzerland. (Symbolbild)
Bild: Keystone


The stoker positions should also be filled, if possible, with Perosnen living in Switzerland. (Icon)


<figure class = "image-c item active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs- "data-sub-html ="

Domestic priority: These industries are affected

For campers, the unemployment rate is just under ten percent. (Symbol)
Image: Keystone


For campers, the unemployment rate is just under ten percent. (Icon)


<figure class = "image-c item active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs- "data-sub-html ="

Domestic priority: These industries are affected

The free places in the kitchens are also notifiable. (Image of the symbol)
Image: Keystone


Also required are the vacancies in the kitchens. (Icon)


<figure class = "image-c item active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs- "data-sub-html ="

National priority: These areas are affected

Influx also: Telfonisten and Telefonistinnen. (Symbolbild)
Image: Keystone


Also on: Telfonists and Telephone Operators. (Icon)


<figure class = "image-c element active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs- "data-sub-html ="

Domestic priority: these industries are concerned

Some watchmaking professions are also subject to the obligation of registration (Symbol image)
Image: Keystone


Certain professions in the watch industry are also subject to registration. (Icon)


<figure class = "image-c item active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs- "data-sub-html ="

Domestic priority: These areas are affected

Farm Auxiliary … (Symbol image)
Image: Keystone


Farm Auxiliary … (icon image)


<figure class = "c-image element figure active lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "" data – sub-html = "

Domestic priority: These industries are affected

… and preliminaries are also affected. (icon icon)
Image: Keystone


… and the pre-supervisors are also affected. (Icon)


<figure class = "image-c item active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs- "data-sub-html ="

National priority: These industries are concerned

Notifiable: Works in laundries … (Symbol image)
Image: Keystone


Notifiable: Works in laundries … (Icon)


<Figure class = "c-image element figure active lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data – src = "" data-sub-html = "

Domestic priority: These industries are concerned

… and the service personnel. (Image of the symbol)
Image: Keystone


… and the service staff. (Icon)


<figure class = "image-c item active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs- "data-sub-html ="

National priority: These areas are affected

Similarly, courier jobs must be occupied primarily by residents (Image of Symbol)
Image: Keystone


In addition, courier jobs should be primarily occupied by residents. (Symbolic image)


Since yesterday, Switzerland is under the obligation to register types of jobs with at least eight percent unemployment. This requires employers to report these vacant positions first to the Regional Employment Centers (RAVs). Regulatory context: Companies should attract fewer foreign workers to Switzerland and make better use of their domestic labor force.

The notification requirement is the "national priority" that Parliament adopted at the end of 2016 to implement the initiative. SVP employers in occupational categories with higher than average unemployment rates must report job offers at employment agencies. There, the information is available for five business days exclusively to registered job seekers. This will give them an advantage of time and information during the application.

With the obligation of job notification, the mass immigration initiative is implemented, according to which immigration must be controlled independently. Companies should attract fewer foreign workers to Switzerland and make better use of their domestic labor.

RAVs send employers records of national job seekers or job seekers within three days. These invite the appropriate job seekers to a job interview or an assessment of the aptitude. Anyone who thinks they are appropriate, the employers decide at will. Only five days after reporting to the responsible RAV, companies can publicly announce their job offers.

There is only to see if the measurements will succeed. Especially for older potential customers, it will be difficult to find a new job, even with a national priority. "The national priority is not strong enough," says Daniel Neugart, president of the Save 50Plus specialist association, in a "glance". The generation of over 50s would be particularly affected by the free movement of people.

At the present time, 19 occupations with more than 270 professional titles are subject to the obligation to notify, including, but not limited to, the occupations of concrete workers. Actors, public relations specialists or couriers. Also service personnel and auxiliary forces in agriculture are seized. The list published by the State Secretariat for the Economy (Seco) is in effect from July 1, 2018 until the end of 2019.

The jobs listed all reached or exceeded the unemployment rate of 8% between April 1, 2017 and March 30, 2018. The list will be updated in the fourth quarter. At the beginning of 2020, the threshold will then fall to the five percent initially forecast by the Federal Council.

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