It takes a fighter of corruption – look


The framework conditions for the fight against corruption in Switzerland are insufficient. This is the conclusion reached by the Swiss Federal Audit Office (CDF) headed by Michel Huissoud (60). The fight against corruption must be profoundly improved

. Cases of corruption and corruption appear repeatedly in the administration and in companies close to the state. Often, not because one's point of view becomes aware of it, but only because the media mediates the cases.

However, little has happened in Switzerland against corruption: in December 2008, the Federal Council created the Interdepartmental Working Group to fight corruption. called. It was founded on the recommendation of the Council of Europe's Group of States against Corruption (Greco). In mid-May, the Federal Council took note of the 2014-2017 activity report of the working group and the evaluation of the CDF.

At the end of April, the state government renewed the mandate of IDAG to fight corruption for ten years. to strengthen

The CDF has now published its nearly 50-page report, calling for far-reaching reforms to increase the effectiveness of the IDAG. The goal is to strengthen the role of the government in the fight against corruption.

At IDAG, independence, financial and human resources, skills, authority, institutional memory and visibility are inappropriate. The evaluation report identifies IDAG as "a militia organization controlled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

Many important tasks

The CDF proposes to maintain a group of experts to exchange information. This should have a secretariat and create the function of an anti-corruption officer. The task of this Commissioner should be to accompany the Swiss representatives on the international scene, act as a coordinating body at the federal level and sensitize the community and civil society.

According to the CDF, the Swiss anti-corruption activist should also be associated with legal services. Departments and offices are at the base of the fight against corruption in the federal administration. (SDA)

Published 04.07.2018 | Last updated 11 minutes ago

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