Könizer's council wants to raise taxes


To get out of the red, Köniz's board wants to raise taxes. He asks for an increase of half the tax rate from 1.49 to 1.54 units

The reason for the petition is tense financial situation and clear deficits, as communicated by the municipality on Thursday. Köniz closed the 2017 account with a surplus of 2.1 million francs, twice more than expected.

At the same time, there is a great need for investment, especially for the expansion and renovation of schools. In 2019, the city council plans investments of 38.4 million francs. However, this can not be done by the community to a great extent, but must instead borrow.

According to the local council, "a new controlled loan for the necessary investments is allowed since they have an advantage for future generations."

In 2019, the board wants to raise taxes on the one hand and reduce spending on the other hand. The goal is to finance current expenses with current income. This was determined by the newly formed city council in the 2018-2021 financial strategy.

Parliament and the voting people have the last word. If Parliament says yes to the tax increase in August, people can vote in November. Already in 2016, the local council wanted to raise taxes from 1.49 to 1.54 – but the parliament clearly rejected that.

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