Million damage caused by destroyed hemp plants |


A week ago, a hemp field was destroyed in Benken and sabotaged with foreign seeds. As the owner of the field said 20 minutes ago, he suspects the rivalry behind the attack.

"More than 4,000 cannabis plants have been torn off and left on the ground," said owner Tony Peruzzo of CBD production company Tell Hemp on Thursday. 20 minutes. Since this year, his company has rented about three hectares for growing CBD hemp in Benken. Now one-third of the culture has been destroyed. In addition, foreigners had scattered other cannabis seeds, making the stock of female plants unusable, so Peruzzo.

Suspected competition

For the company, the incident resulted in a huge loss: on more than 4,000 hemp plants, a yield of 1,600 kilograms of hemp flowers would have increased. "This represents a loss of about 1.3 million francs for us," Peruzzo explains. At first he suspected that a hemp opponent was behind the crime. But as the new plants grew, it was clear to him: "Behind them, there is competition – so much seed just comes from industry," complains Peruzzo

. With vehemence: "We certainly do not need anything like that," says Jakob Beglinger of the accused company. The company is doing well and to counter the competition, the company would lower its own prices, but certainly not manipulate the fields of competitors. Instead, Beglinger suspects a schoolboy to joke, "They may have wanted to plant some grass and thought it would not be noticed in those fields."

10,000 francs reward

Tell Hemp complained about property damage. The cantonal police of St. Gallen has already taken the investigation after 20 minutes. In addition, Tell Hemp will suspend a reward of 10,000 francs for any relevant evidence that helps to clarify the case, as the online portal concludes. (EGT)

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