Mini-castles in Illnau-Effretikon City Council – TOP ONLINE


Two years ago, Illnau-Effretikon voters agreed to reduce the nine- to seven-member city council. The Ministries of Health, Youth and Sports were dissolved in this year's spring elections and distributed to other departments.

The former FDP municipal council, Marco Nuzzi, moved from the youth department and dissolved sports to the construction department. This became free because of the resignation of Reinhard Fürst (SVP). Erik Schmausser from Grünliberalen was newly elected to the city council. Schmausser takes charge of the civil engineering department, as informs the city.

The City Council of Illnau-Effretikon meets for the first time in a new composition. The newly elected Erik Schmausser takes over the civil engineering department. Marco Nuzzi moves from the Department of Youth and Dissolved Sports to the Department of Construction.…/stadtrat-hat-sich-konstituier

– Illnau-Effretikon (@stadtilef) 12. July 2018

The other re-elected municipal councils retain their ministries. Ueli Müller (SP) remains president of the city. Erika Klossner-Locher (FDP) remains in the education department, Philipp Wespi (FDP) retains finances, Samuel Wüst (SP) remains in the department and Salome Wyss (SP) remains chief of security.

In the spring of 2018 the UDC lost all its seats on Illnau-Effretiker City Council.

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