More sustainability in the treatment of construction waste in the Basel region


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Less construction waste in the Basel region

In the Basel region, construction and demolition waste will be increasingly reused in the future. A working group must develop a strategy and a set of measures.

Despite the great potential of the recycling of building materials, a true circular economy for building materials has not yet been accepted in the region, writes the Directorate of Construction and Protection of Construction. Basel environment in its press release. The reasons given in this regard are the favorable prices for primary raw materials and landfill space as well as the bookings concerning recycled building materials in terms of quality and price. Another reason: the treatment of construction waste in high quality recycled building materials is demanding according to the direction of the construction and protection of the environment. All this means that too much construction waste is dumped in the Basel area and too little recycled building material is being used.

This evolution should take place in the short and medium term. To remedy this situation, the canton of Basel-Stadt, the city of Liestal and the canton of Basel-Landschaft have set up a "Baustoffkreislauf Regio Basel" Task Force, which has the technical support of the "Bauunternehmer" association. Region Basel ». In addition, the Canton of Basel-Landschaft intends to play an exemplary role in the use of recycled building materials

In parallel, the processes of management of landfills and landfills must be revised. Because all building materials can not be recycled completely and efficiently, regional landfills must continue to be available in the future. They are to be used mainly for non-recyclable construction waste from the Basel Economic Area. (May / MGT / SDA)

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