More time for successor search: Südpol executive office stays in office for now – culture


This gives representatives of the dance and theater scene more time in searching for possible candidates. The approximately 70 participants made the majority of the motion, as Irina Lorez of IG Tanz Zentralschweiz said after the meeting at the Keystone-SDA news agency.

There are prospects for the council. But the three weeks that followed the announcement of the resignation were too short to make a serious suggestion. The council of the South Pol Association had announced in mid-June, he resigned from office. The foundation of a confident cooperation between the board, management and employees is no longer given, it was said, to justify

It is now 60 days to find at least three people for the new council, said Mr Lorez. In a next step, the city of Lucerne, with which there is a performance agreement, will seek dialogue.

The executive board still has some responsibility for the remaining time, said Vice President Sabrina Suter. But he will no longer make strategic decisions. If the council can not be rehired, a dissolution of the association is in the hall

Second resignation

The South Pole has had to cope with the drop in the number of visitors in 2017. In addition, the artistic director resigned in late September 2018. At the rally, it became known that the general manager had also announced his dismissal.

It is unclear whether this change at the top would scare potential members of the board, Lorez said. Perhaps the new start provided through this could also facilitate the search for a new board.

The Cultural Center is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. It lies south of the city of Lucerne on the grounds of the municipality of Kriens in a former slaughterhouse. The building is used by the independent scene, the Lucerne Theater, the symphony orchestra and the music school.

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