Mountaineer on the mortally wounded Schreckhorn | Grindelwald


Grindelwald / BE On Thursday morning, a mountaineer fell on the Schreckhorn and was fatally injured. His companion could be ejected without being hurt. The accident investigations were taken. –

On Thursday, July 19, 2018, shortly after 10:20, the canton police Berne was reported that on Schreckhorn near Grindelwald a serious mountain accident occurred. According to preliminary results, two mountaineers – a man and a woman – descended from the top of the Schreckhorn. For reasons still to clear up, the man fell several hundred meters away

Despite the rescue flight of a Rega helicopter quickly launched, the emergency services, with the support of the Alpine Rescue Switzerland, could only detect the death of the climber. 19659003] There are concrete indications for the identity of the deceased, but the formal identification of the man is still pending. The mountaineer, who had accompanied the victim, could be flown to Grindelwald without being injured by Rega.

The canton police Bern opened an investigation to clarify the course and circumstances of the accident.

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