No fireworks in Baselbiet – News Basel: Land


The Canton of Basel-Country issued an absolute ban on open-air fires on Monday for the entire cantonal area. At the same time, a ban on fireworks of all kinds applies to soforr.The summer time of recent days, with only a few different precipitations, intensifies the risk of fire from forest, according to the communication of the Baselland Crisis Unit

. City and Baselland, that when you shoot private fireworks at a distance of at least 200 meters from the forest and larger groups of trees should be kept and that the lights are on. artifice are only lit on non-combustible surfaces. The township has now tightened the regulations.

Even in Fricktal, it remains calm

The canton of Aargau also thwarted all the celebrations of August 1: the cantonal authorities gave in to the drought and the bad weather absolute prohibition d & # 39; Fire and fireworks.

In recent days, a large part of the Argovian communities have voluntarily banned fireworks and fireworks. The absence of rainfall and continued drought with rising temperatures over the next few days exacerbated the threat to forest and countryside fires, according to a statement from the Cantonal Commission. Monday's command staff. In addition, according to Swiss Weather in the coming days to expect a heat wave.
The absolute ban on fire applies from Monday 5 pm to the revocation and also affects private and public fireworks. This is necessary because soils, fields, trees and bushes have dried up and the danger of fire has further increased

Solothurn does not increase

In the canton of Solothurn, however, Thomas Kölliker of Disaster Risk Management of the Office of Civil Protection and Military, said Monday

Since last Thursday, the level of danger 4 prohibits the fires and fires of Artifice in the forest and in an area of ​​200 meters around the edges.

No fireworks in Basel on August 1

This year's Basel Festival on the Bruderholz is held without fireworks. The reason is the drought, as announced Monday organizers. Due to dry grass, traditional fires and private fires are also removed.

The organizers decided to abandon the fire after a visit of the festival grounds with the municipal nursery. The lawn near the water tower is largely yellow and completely desiccated. Moreover, cutting and watering can not make it fireproof. Therefore, you give up this year even without a formal ban on fire.
Various communities in the Basel region had already issued official fire bans and limited or forbidden fireworks. The canton of Basel-Country imposes a minimum distance of 200 meters to the forest for all kinds of fires

Meanwhile, the great official fireworks of the city of Basel on July 31 on the Rhine can unfold as usual. (amu / sda)

Created: 30.07.2018, 10:59

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