For the economy, the Confederation is making too little progress with new measures and additional resources for the fight against cyber attacks. With letters to the Federal Council, associations want to put pressure

In the fight against cyber attacks, the federal government must assume a coordinating role – many are not enough. (Image: Jason Alden / Bloomberg)
The Federal Council's approach to cybersecurity is criticized. Several associations of the computer industry and telecommunications do not agree with the basic values that the Federal Council had decided at the beginning of July. The Confederation is acting too fast and too little systematically, she said in unison. For this reason, the umbrella organization ICT Switzerland calls for immediate measures in a letter to the Federal Council
Delays are to be feared
The criticism has two main points: On the one hand, the Federal Council sees the new cybersecurity competence center under the direction of a / or Mr. Cyber "has only coordination tasks and no authority. On the other hand, the details of this new position will not be available until the end of the year, so that in 2019, no additional human and financial resources will be available for implementation. of the National Cybersecurity Strategy. However, the computer industry wants to have both authority and more resources for cybersecurity as early as next year.
ICT Switzerland's request is supported by its cybersecurity commission, which was created in the spring. It includes not only public sector associations and agencies, but also security officers from large corporations such as Microsoft, UBS, or SIX Group. They want the federal government to support the entire economy as soon as possible, and particularly for SMEs in the case of cyberattacks, as provided in the new NCS 2.0. Up to now, only so-called critical infrastructure is supported by the federal government
As a further immediate step, the federal government should promote public awareness of cyber risks, another measure of the NCS 2.0. ICT Switzerland is thinking of a prevention campaign on Internet threats, similar to the Stop-Aids campaign for many years. This would raise awareness of the population and the economy for the benefit of Switzerland as a whole. Maya Bundt, the Cyber co-director of the Swiss Insurance Association (SVV), is convinced of this. Switzerland is not one of the laggards in international comparison, but it is not among the fastest countries, she says. "That's why we'd be happy if something happened in this area as soon as possible." According to the Finance Department, initial discussions have already been held with the economy regarding an awareness campaign.
The Telecommunications Association (Asut) goes further. He also sent a letter to the competent Federal Councilor Ueli Maurer last week. In this the federation wishes a temporary organization, which takes care of the coordination of the federation with the economy, the science and the society. The reasons for this are the delays in implementing NCS 2.0 and the Competence Center. Peter Grütter, president of Asut, criticizes the fact that the federal government does not want to use more money and staff next year. This will not be the case before 2020 – despite the fact that the strategy covers the period from 2018 to 2022. "The daily attacks against Swiss companies take too much time."
Jean-Marc Hensch, CEO of Swico, the professional association of information technology providers, criticizes the lack of command. "A center of excellence that has nothing to say will not do it," he says. The Federal Council has not yet recognized that IT is a cross-cutting issue that needs to be regulated in all departments. For Hensch, the Federal Office of Personnel (EPA) is a good example of how cybersecurity issues should be handled centrally – in all offices. "Anyone wishing to hire someone in the federal government must do so in accordance with the requirements of the EPO," says Hensch. He calls at the end of Gärtchendenkens in the federal administration.
Science is also critical
Not only does the economy clearly criticize the decision of the Federal Council, but also science. The Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) has already made similar demands ten days ago in an open letter to Federal President Alain Berset. "The Federal Council must reserve resources to preserve the ability to act for 2019," says Martin Leuthold of the Switch Foundation and co-author of the letter of the SATW
The federal government's networking with the science and industry is also important. The main responsibility for this is one day a "Mrs. Cyber or a Mr. Cyber", as decided in principle the Federal Council.But the SATW demands a higher speed here too. " finance department should quickly define the profile of this function and find a suitable person, "says Leuthold.According to SATW's request, the person should start working in the first quarter of 2019.
Pressures on the Federal Council could also Many politicians also criticize his decision as too inconsistent, as reported by "Central Switzerland Sunday." The national councilor Balthasar Glättli (gp., Zurich) wants the security gains more powers through the Security Policy Commission and that from 2019, other funds for cybersecurity will be available.
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