Oberst Grenzwächter Jürg Noth (60) builds a car accident


The swearing-in of new border guards in Bern Cathedral is a solemn ceremony each time. During the celebration of June 22nd, 52 aspirants, Federal Councilor Ueli Maurer and Jürg Noth (60 years old), Head of the Border Guard and Deputy Director of the Federal Customs Administration (CAF).

But for Noth, the party ends with a fiasco, According to information from LOOKING, the senior border guard who was traveling from Berne to his place of residence in Spiez, BE, hit his car. At the height of the rest area of ​​Münsingen West, there is a foot injury in the accident

No information from the prosecutors and the police

The cantonal police of Bern confirms an accident on the 39; A6. The investigation has been transferred to the prosecutor – so there are no other details. The Kapo did not send a press release after this accident.

Deputy Attorney General Christof Scheurer also does not want to give details. "It's a continuous process," Scheurer said. Was alcohol involved? Scheurer says no: "The police also took a breathalyzer during the registration of the accident – and it was negative."

Noth was injured in the foot

Since the June 22 accident, Noth is now on sick leave. "He is on the phone again, but very busy – starting Monday, he resumes his job with a 50 percent stake," said EZV spokesman David Marquis the LOOK. During his sick leave, he was represented by Colonel Stephan Lanz

Jürg Noth himself did not want to provide any information on his accident on request. He also referred to the prosecutor's office in Berne

Published 19.07.2018 | Updated at 22:45

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