Old wooden storage in the port of Basel Rhin on fire – smoke 30 meters high


A spokeswoman for logistics company Rhenus Alpina, whose daughter Rhenus Port Logistics is affected by the fire, confirmed the information of local radio Basilisk on the fire. The cause is unknown. Nobody was hurt. There are about 2,000 tons of railway sleepers and about the same amount of scrap stored next to them.

Firefighters try to prevent the spread of flames. Two steps from the fire are two silos, where, among other things, the grain is stored. In addition to the professional firefighters and militiamen from Basel, those from the nearby German city of Weil am Rhein were also in action. The Basel tanker had one of its rare missions

The police recommended Twittering the neighborhood population to close the windows. You should drive around the area because of the smoke. According to the prosecutor, according to the first measures, there was no danger for the population. In social media, we talked about toxic smoke.

Formerly popular as garden fencing, since 2001, old tar-impregnated wooden sleepers in Switzerland due to some carcinogenic pollutant emissions are no longer allowed to obstruct the settlement area. They must be burned in an energy recovery plant or in a cement plant.

According to earlier information from the Swiss Confederation, since 1998 SBB has only been using wood bars with less polluting impregnation. However, old sleepers still accumulate during renovations. The lifespan of wooden sleepers is estimated at around 25 years, which means that until 2023, there are still some old toxic thresholds in circulation. (SDA)

Posted on 27.07.2018 | Last update 22 minutes ago

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