Rarely used is the controversial glyphosate weed killer. Its marketed volume has increased from 296 to 204 tonnes between 2014 and 2016. This places glyphosate as the third most sought-after drug in Switzerland. These figures are based on statistics released Tuesday by the Federal Office of Agriculture (FOAG). The pesticide leader continues to be sulphurous, with sales of 406 tonnes – and rising. Then come paraffin oil, glyphosate and folpet.
While herbicides like glyphosate have declined, more and more insecticides are being sold. The reason for this was the emergence of the cherry vinegar fly eight years ago, the BLW continues. This can cause great damage to fruit crops. Thus, the quantity sold of kaolin biological insecticide has increased from 13 times to 85 tons since 2008.
RADIO TOP contribution to the use of insecticides in agriculture Swiss:
Especially, the sale of organic products has increased. "More and more organic farmers are using biological agents," says Markus Hausammann, president of the Thurgau Agriculture Association. However, organic products often have to be used more frequently and especially in larger quantities than conventional products. Organic farmers push the sale of phytosanitary products.
Markus Hochstrasser, Crop Protection Expert at the Zurich Strickhof Competence Center, also confirms this conclusion. But he sees a clear trend: "Research and the chemical industry are working to develop products or techniques that are very respectful of the environment." This should allow farmers to do without plant protection products. However, Hochstrasser assumes that Swiss agriculture will continue to depend on pesticides in the future.
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