Paraplegic (21) is allowed to go home


Jason Haller (21) from Gränichen AG sits paraplegic in a wheelchair since a failed operation. After his rehab, he could not return to his family – he has since been retired and in the Reinach retirement home. Because the Haller family home must first be wheelchair accessible.

The necessary reconstruction measures have already been approved by the municipality. The family, however, does not have money. Because renovation costs a lot – despite the IV contribution. The call was successful: "After the press articles and the Tele M1 contribution, people from all over Switzerland contacted us," says Sandra Haller. newspaper. Many people have already donated. About 25% of the missing amount had been received

Haller does not want to mention the exact amount. "The company ABL Sonnenschutztechnik Kölliken wants to give us, for example, the shadow for the planned culture," says Haller.

Jason hopes to return home for his birthday

Jason Haller has come with a malignant brain vein to the world. Even as a baby, he had to have surgery. After that, he spent weeks in a coma, his left arm is cerebral palsy.

At the age of twelve, he fell off his bike. He contracted a craniocerebral trauma. When the deformities of his feet were operated last fall, something went wrong with spinal anesthesia – now he is sitting in a wheelchair.

Thanks to donations, reconstruction can now begin soon. "Jason wants him to be able to limit his birthday on October 5th," says Haller. However, this could be rare.

The family would have "a lot of momentum" through fundraising and give it all. Meanwhile, Jason must stay in the retirement home. He is happy but huge about the imminent return home. (nbb)

Published 25.07.2018 | Updated at 17:33

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