Pedestrian seriously injured after collision with cyclist-Lokalinfo AG


20.07.2018 – 11:55

This morning a cyclist collided with a pedestrian in circle 2. According to the first results of the police drove shortly after 8 am a cyclist on the Seestrasse of Kilchberg coming from behind an electric bike driver heading to the city of Zurich. When he caught up with the electric bike rider at the Seestrasse 559 property, he collided with a pedestrian who was about to cross the Seestrasse. The 82-year-old woman was seriously injured and had to be taken to hospital by the Schutz & Rettung Zürich health department in critical condition. The 65-year-old cyclist was hospitalized with minor injuries. The exact sequence of the accident is clarified by accident specialists from the municipal police and the Forensic Institute Zurich.

Call for witnesses: Those who can provide information about the accident on Friday 20 July, shortly after 8 am, at the Seestrasse (high water lily restaurant), are asked to contact the police of the city of Zurich , tel .: 0 444 117 117 report. (pp./photo: Lisa Maire)

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