Phones make teenagers forgetful | The Lucerne newspaper


Telephoning with a smartphone can have a negative impact on the memory of teenagers. This is shown by a study by the Tropical Institute.

Bruno Knellwolf

  Gossip has little influence on the performance of memory. (Image: Christof Schuerpf / Keystone)

The cat has little influence on memory performance. (Photo: Christof Schuerpf / Keystone)

The question of what damage the use of the smartphone causes in children, if only because of their twisted attitude, employs a lot of them. Martin Röösli, environmental epidemiologist at the Tropical and Public Health Institute of Basel, did not look at the back but the brain of 700 teenagers. Due to the frequent use of the mobile phone, the brain is increasingly exposed to high frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF).

Röösli's tests have shown that electromagnetic radiation over a year can have a negative impact on the development of memory in adolescents. Röösli says:

"We have found an influence on the figurative memory."

This was measured using a standardized computer test. The teenagers had to remember 13 pairs of figures and then assign a selection of five figures to the correct one. At most, a student could score 13 points.

Above all, the phone plays a role

It measured the difference between students who were hanging a lot on the smartphone and those who had little radiation exposure. "The difference between high and low exposed was 0.21 points.This is not much," Röösli relativizes. "Interestingly, most of the study participants use the cell phone on the right and the figurative memory on the right side of the head.We have found no consistent influence on verbal memory, which is mainly to the left. "This proves that the use of the smartphone actually affects the brain of adolescents.

These are mainly phone calls that play a role, while writing, surfing and chatting have no effect because the smartphone is further away from the head.

Depends on the quality of the connection

Phone calls until memory performance is reduced depend on the quality of the connection. "With a poor connection quality, even a small use of just a few minutes is enough.With optimal quality, even after an hour-long phone call, you get a much lower radiation dose," Martin Röösli explains. headphones and speakers can reduce the risk to the brain, especially if the quality of the network is lower.The way radiation influences processes in the brain is still unclear – "and how our results are relevant in the long run. "

Incidentally, there are differences in smartphone brands in terms of radiation." The SAR value tells you how much a cell phone radiates your head in the worst case. " can even influence the radiation by moving the phone away from the head as much as possible. "With ten centimeters instead of one, you have ten to one hundred times less radiation," says Martin R öösli. [ad_2]
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