Police find Brunnen SZ dead – News Panorama: Miscellaneous


Other details did not allow the cantonal police of Schwyzer to use it on Thursday afternoon, not at the beginning. Whether the victim is a man or a woman was not clear, said Florian Grossmann of the Cantonal Police in Schwyz at the request of Keystone-SDA. The identity of the victim as well as the cause of death are specified in conjunction with the Institute of Forensic Medicine.

The police were alerted in the afternoon because the missing person did not seem to have worked. When the forces arrived at their place of residence, according to the release of the extension of the house, they fell on the dead body and on a young man who wanted to flee. He was arrested The situation encountered suggests a violent crime, writes the cantonal police.

For forensic science and investigations, the area around the corpse site had to be closed on a large scale. In addition to the cantonal police, firefighters were also in action.

Created: 18.10.2018, 21:34

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