Police in Chur are now also carrying water


  Relational care: Free drinks for the population of Chur. | City Police Chur
Relational care: Free drinks for the population of Chur. | Chur City Police

High Temperatures: Chur Police Distribute Drinking Water to the Population

On Tuesday, we reported a United States Police Action: In the City of Chur. Urbana, police distribute coupons to release defective bulbs. replace. Even with free shares of ice cream or police "coffee parties", especially in the United States, contact with the population.

The Chur city police decided a spontaneous action: On Wednesday, the police in the city of Chur distribute bottles. The drinks were delivered to traffic control and various car parks.

The city police wants to make passersby aware that drinking enough at the current high temperatures, as the authority writes in a message. The action is expected to continue in the coming days.

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