Police warn of extortion e-mails about alleged consumption


The Canton of Schaffhausen police warns against the extortion of emails to the alleged consumption of pornography of the recipient. The criminals would try to extort money with fictitious content. The agency advises to delete these emails and change passwords.

  Internet scammers have tried to extort victims in Schaffhausen because of their alleged use of porn on the Internet. (Photo: KEYSTONE / NICK SOLAND)

Internet scammers have tried to blackmail victims in Schaffhausen for alleged pornography on the Internet. (Photo: KEYSTONE / NICK SOLAND)


In recent days, police have received several reports from concerned citizens, the police in Schaffhausen said on Sunday. According to the master-singers claiming to have filmed the recipients watching porn videos on the Internet.

The alleged evidence of this is that current or old passwords have been called, says the message. The scammers then demanded most of the time in English a four-digit amount in the Bitcoin digital currency. Otherwise, they would publish the files.

Emails are junk, writes the police. Those who receive such an email can mainly assume that the content was invented by the fraudsters to extort money.

The police advise to delete these emails in all cases immediately and not to react. It is advisable to check the account with the named password and all other accounts and set new passwords. In case of uncertainty, contact the police first.

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