Proceedings against Circus Royal – Business


A criminal investigation is pending against the bankruptcy of Circus Royal. The parquet floor of Thurgau received an advertisement. The circus operating company is bankrupt.

She received a criminal complaint, confirmed Friday night at the prosecutor's office of Thurgau a message from Blick online. Against whom the complaint is directed, the public prosecutor's office in reference to the current proceedings has not announced. "It applies to all participants the presumption of innocence," said media spokesman Stefan Haffter at the request of the SDA

"Tour will continue normally"

Circus located in Lipperswil TG is bankrupt. In the afternoon, Skreinig announced that he was not aware of the financial difficulties and bankruptcy of the operating company.

Skreinig, who held 50% of the bankruptcy of Circus Royal Betriebs GmbH, had lost his previous life. and the business partner Peter Gasser separated. He was general manager of the company and was unable to attend circus business because of illness in recent months.

Skreinig also announced that he wanted to continue the circus alone and had two weeks before the bankruptcy of the former operating company. new company called Circus Royal GmbH founded. On the home page of the circus is written: "To avoid rumors, we inform that Oliver Skreinig with the Circus Royal GmbH continues the tour normally as planned and no changes are made." (oli / sda)

Created: 13.07.2018, 20:21 pm

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