Reformed Church Lucerne – Should the pastor continue to be elected by the faithful? – New


The Parliament of the Reformed Lucerne wants to abolish the popular vote of pastors. On the other hand, resistance is stirring now.

Whoever presides over a pastor or pastor of a Reformed community decides today in the Canton of Lucerne the church people. However, the parliament of the Evangelical-Reformed Regional Church of the Canton of Lucerne has changed this spring: The governing board of the parish concerned must make this election.

On the other hand, there is a resistance – a committee called "pro Volkswahl" wants to overturn this decision, In Lucerne, as in the other reformed cantonal churches in Switzerland, the faithful continue to give their blessing to the # 39; election. A referendum committee today presented more than 1,000 signatures to the regional church to demand this. This will allow the reformed at the polls to decide the issue.

Voters can still choose the color of the church, but not the pastor.

The referendum committee criticizes the elimination of the popular vote as a central achievement of the Reformation. lost: "Voters can always choose the color of the church, but not the pastor, but the reformed self-image does just that," says Verena Marti, chair of the referendum committee

. At a time when more and more people were turning away from the church, closeness and democratic legitimacy were more important than ever, and the committee asked that the popular election of pastors be enshrined in the staff code.

There have always been silent elections because only one person was available.

The church parliament, on the other hand, also supports new rules are guaranteed at the say the faithful The elections today are just one theory: "There have always been silent elections because only one person at a time," says Ursula Stämmer, President of the Synodalrat, Executive Director of the Lucern Reformation e.

Instead of a four-year term, pastors and pastor with an indefinite-term employment contract also have better terms and conditions of employment.

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