Serbian circus Napa arrives in Arosa bear country


Her behavior was disrupted, her body too greased and her muscles stunted. For eight long years, the last circus bear from Serbia has been growing in a tiny cage. In this, Napa (12) was vulnerable to sun and rain. His prison did not even have enough room to sit (Blick reports).

The Four Paws Animal Protection Organization put an end to misery in November 2016. Napa is saved and went down to yesterday at Zoo Palic (SRB). Now, the old circus bear has arrived in his new definitive home – the land of bears in Arosa GR. The protection center offers the hunted animal a completely unknown world. Napa enjoys his life on three acres of rocks, trees and meadows.

Napa survives the 1400-kilometer journey

Serbia's transportation to Switzerland was exhausting, both for her and her companions. The 1400-kilometer journey lasted 28 hours. Bear expert Carsten Hertwig (52) of Four Paws said with relief: "Napa has survived stability," he told LOOK. "He was aware of the commute and not too stressed, it was only at closing that he wanted to get out of the cage."

This is understandable because the road to Chur in Arosa has more than 200 towers! But the biggest challenge comes later.With the gondola, the bear ambulance transports the animal to the protection center. "C & # 39, was a logistical leader, "says Hertwig." The transport cage with Napa weighs 550 kilograms. "

Once at the top, the aids drive the animal into the water. pregnant with a forklift.And then the big surprise: Immediately and without shame Napa leaves the transport cage.Likely because his favorite food is already ready.Hunched, he throws himself on the apples and the Carrots Now Napa needs to stay in the compound for a few more days before entering the current park.The vet and caregivers can here observe it optimally.

Monika Fasnacht: "I fell a heart stone"

Also the TV star Monika Fasnacht (53) was there during the transport. The animal lover lives privately in Arosa and is the park's official ambassador: "When Napa finally arrived, I was a stone fallen from the heart." She has no doubt that the Serbian bear is feels good in Graubünden: "He is now learning, his innate instincts to use again.

Bear Country will officially open on Friday, August 3rd. We are particularly anxious to be there. Pascal Jenny (44), president of the Arosa Bären Foundation, hopes this will boost tourism this summer: "We are the first to combine animal welfare and leisure." He also sees Napa as a motivation for mountaineers. 19659005] But he does not stay with a bear. Already in spring 2019, new ones will be added. The park can accommodate five animals. Until then, Napa is allowed to get used to his new freedom in peace.

Posted on 05.07.2018 | Last updated 11 minutes ago

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