Sexual assault on a very insane resident


BRIG-GLIS | A former employee of the English retirement home greeting sold to a helpless, highly insane resident. The cantonal court found him guilty of desecration.

Thomas Rieder

The nursing specialist, a 43-year-old German citizen, pleaded for his public defender until an acquittal. The cantonal court of Valais did not follow this request.

First an acquittal

This, unlike the first instance in Brig District Court, here the accused had been acquitted. The prosecution and relatives of the woman appealed this verdict. The Criminal Division I under the direction of
Dr. Thierry Schnyder brought the case under review. Three cantonal judges handled the case. In March 2018, the management decided to make the case public and public. As of June 27, 2018, the judgment was now open to the parties. It includes a two-year suspended sentence. "The legal situation was clear as soon as the situation was clear"

The Cantonal Court produced additional evidence on appeal, namely a supplementary opinion and a questionnaire of the witness by the head of the Department of Forensic Medicine. and imaging of the University of Zurich. This thorough investigation led to the last [2799015] 27 different probabilities of the court. In their assessment, the judges were finally proven to have been desecrated. "The legal situation was clear as soon as the situation was clear," commented the verdict of the president of the judicial college of three members, Thierry Schnyder.

He refers to the sometimes contradictory statements of witnesses. This did not facilitate the assessment of the credibility of the statements. An appeal may be filed to the Federal Court in Lausanne.

The Employee Advance File

He was wrapped up by a witness who discovered his colleague in a somewhat blurry manner when she entered a room unannounced in search of him. There she saw the nurse in an unambiguous situation from her point of view. The accused, on the other hand, felt that he had done the usual morning care with the resident, for whom he had closed the door in order to protect the privacy of the residents. In the dementia ward, this was necessary so as not to receive unwanted unwanted visits from roommates.

However, according to usual home practices, nurses did not have to close the rooms when they were in their room with the residents

Victims deceased

The witness reported the # 39 incident to several members of the local administration the same day. The case was forwarded the next day to the prosecutor of Upper Valais. The prosecutor reacted immediately. The suspect was remanded on the same day and questioned several times. That he would have been in this case to repeat actions, is excluded from the court. In any case, during the procedure, there would have been no indications or suspicions in this respect.

During the course of the investigation, of course, the woman was questioned by the police. They could not make reliable statements because of their health
. The woman has since died.

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