Shortage of water and forest fire in the canton of St. Gallen


Due to the drought, there is a risk of forest fire in the canton of St. Gallen. In addition, the small streams dried up and had to be fished out. Authorities have called for the water economy Friday and are considering a fire ban.

The Cantonal Government Council discussed the drought and the associated problems and dangers on Friday during a meeting, announced the State Chancellery. Next Monday, the situation will be reassessed, it is said. A ban on shooting is envisaged.

Especially in the southern part of the township, like the Walensee, the situation has worsened in recent weeks and days. Some municipalities, such as Amden and Weesen, and the neighboring canton of Graubünden issued bans on fires. The canton of St. Gallen wants to decide the weekend.

It is planned to ban fire in the forest and near the forest, prohibit fires and prohibit fireworks. He also assesses the potential danger on August 1st, it is said. Authorities already recommend that there be no open fire in forests and forest edges.

Water is Rare

The levels of rivers and groundwater in many parts of the township are as low as they have been for years, the township writes, "Several small courses of Water dried up and had to be rescued. " It is becoming clear that the extraction of water from small water plans must be limited.

The canton of Thurgau has already decided in the same way. The St. Gallen Office of Water and Energy recommends using water sparingly. Private persons should not needlessly fill their pools, wash cars or irrigate lawns and gardens.

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