Street fight after the FCB match in May: more clubs are identified – Basel City – Basel


The Basle Prosecutor's Office identified thirteen other violent offenders who had participated in a street fight as a result of a football match in Basel in the spring. The alleged hooligans of the environment of FC Basel and FC Zurich could have been identified in July, reported the "NZZ am Sonntag", quoting a spokesman for the prosecutor. However, they were not arrested. Nevertheless, they were threatened with sanctions for attacks, rape and bodily injury and property damage.

Seven thugs have been sentenced for some time. They were temporarily in detention. The 19 May match between FC Basel and FC Luzern is a matter of justice, with violent tourists from Zurich attacking Basel fans after the match, in which their clubs FCZ and GC were not even involved. Meanwhile, the prosecution made a total of 20 people who participated in the violent clashes. Three quarters of them are FCZ fans, a quarter are awarded to FC Basel fans. (SDA)

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