Strikes threaten holiday – services


In the canton of Zurich, the summer holidays begin tomorrow. The Bernese students have already been released in the resort. The wave of travel is unfolding. But not only on the Gotthard road tunnel, travelers must arm themselves with patience. Because a series of strikes threaten to spoil the start of the holidays. Whether by train or plane: travelers should consider labor disputes as a risk factor

The Air Traffic Controllers' union Skycontrol must therefore strike from 23. July called. So, in time for the high season in tourist traffic. The union is in an agreement with the Skyguide National Air Traffic Control, it is a new collective agreement for air traffic controllers. Out of four unions, only Skycontrol is dissatisfied with the employers' proposals.

Skycontrol calls its members to strike as of 23 to increase the pressure. July . According to Skyguide air traffic control, it is likely that this traffic will mainly affect flights to and from Geneva. Air traffic at Zurich Airport has been "marginally affected" as it is called.

Nevertheless, the strike could also cause inconvenience to Zurich travelers. Because who rides in a plane towards the west, which must cross the airspace of Geneva, whose machine could possibly have to be redirected because of the strike. The result would be delays, it is said by skyguides.

3500 affected flyovers

The Skycontrol Union Wants the 23. July Strike the first four in the morning, followed by an eight-hour strike on 24. July. On the following Wednesday, air traffic controllers must let work rest all day. According to the unions, about 50 flights per day and 3500 overflights over Switzerland would be affected by the strike.

According to Skyguide, however, it is still uncertain whether this will actually happen. Because in the tariff dispute Skyguide called a conciliation body. If the strike can still be avoided, decide Tuesday.

The workers' struggle in France never ends

Travelers to France must also prepare for problems. Because the French trade union CGT wants to continue to strike against the reform of the SNCF, even if the law has been adopted for a long time in parliament. The CGT announced a new day of strike for 19. July .

The question of whether and to what extent this strike affects express trains from Switzerland to France is currently unclear, explained a spokesman for train operator TGV Lyria. He claimed that even in the event of a strike, the company wanted to make rail traffic as fluid as possible.

The joint venture between SNCF and CFF has already been affected by the strikes that lasted several months in France. For three months since April, the unions had been on strike for two days after three days of operation. In the second quarter alone, the TGV Lyria cost only 15 million francs. And the passengers were very nervous when their train failed.

strike at Ryanair

If you want to start your holiday at foreign airports, you are not immune to strikes either. For example, cheap Ryanair pilots want to retire at the base in Ireland on Thursday for 24 hours . Among other things, this labor dispute concerns clearer rules for promotions and better vacation rights. Ryanair has already canceled 30 of the 290 flights to and from Ireland due to the announcement of the strike.

According to experts, the issue of the Ryanair strike is expected to last for some time. The cabin unions in Spain, Portugal and Italy have already announced labor disputes on 25 and 26 July.


Date created: 12.07.2018, 17:33

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