Survey: Swiss assess job security with skepticism


Most Swiss like their work today. But many are skeptical about the future. Image: KEYSTONE

Safe jobs? Young Swiss take on the state on duty

Most people in Switzerland are
satisfied with his work. This shows a new investigation. Only about
But half feel well prepared for the future. as well
Job security assesses skeptical respondents. Many boys
wait for repair of the state.

Switzerland is a country where you are good
and like to live. So, we could do it by modifying a slogan of the
Formulate the German election campaign of last year. This is true
also on the work factor too. According to a survey of the institute
Yougov for the consulting firm EY Switzerland accounts for 86 percent of
Respondents satisfied with their work or very satisfied.

The main elements of a good
Jobs are therefore variety, flexibility and
personal contact with colleagues. But also the salary and bonuses are after
as important for men a little more than women. 42 percent
Respondents said employers could increase their workforce in the market.
motivate the best with good or better compensation.

The main findings of the EY survey.

An ambiguous image gives the
Survey of Future Prospects. About three quarters of respondents
judge that their work is on the test of time, but only 44% think
that it becomes more attractive. And 63 percent assume that it's in
The future will be fewer jobs – a proof for EY "that
some repression of their own consternation
is present ".

Cloudy look in the future

The greatest skepticism shows people
in Switzerland towards automation and demographics
development; both are considered big challenges.
At the same time, Swiss see opportunities thanks to increased flexibility and new opportunities
Business models like the sharing economy.

However, respondents are skeptical
against their own perspectives. Less than half (49
Percentage) feels well prepared for the world of work of the future.
Especially women and people with worse looks
Training and lower salary critical in the future – a
not entirely new discoveries. Interviewees see continuing education and a
strong network to colleagues as the most important elements for
To survive in the future.

The future is demanding, about it
is a clear majority of Swiss respondents
The Swiss are in agreement. About 84% are convinced that
the future of work brings more stress than more
Performance is required (81%) and we are our daily
will share more and more with robots (76%). But who wears the
Responsibility and how are the state, the companies and the individual
Human with the challenges around?

Boy is hoping for daddy state

Responsibility for a future of
A job in which everyone has a chance sees a big part (44
Percentage) of respondents to businesses and employers. Only one
a small proportion (26%) consider that the state has an obligation.
Ironically, boys aged 16 to 24, but with
45 percent above the strong average that the state for
future jobs.

Unconditional basic income

Video: Watson

At the press conference of EY am
Friday, on which the investigation was presented, gave this aspect
especially to talk about it. An explanation for this is the fact that
young people value a good work-life balance.
At the same time, they are confronted with the prospect that they are in
Several future jobs must be performed simultaneously on
Tours to come.

Positive attitude toward basic income

47% of respondents are noisy
The survey fears changes in the workplace. apparently
Boys are more likely to trust the state rather than the economy to take corrective action. This corresponds to another conclusion of the survey: many Swiss respondents are
in principle positive towards an unconditional basic income
to define.

This is particularly clear in these
the case that negatively assesses future job security: 61
Percent think basic income is positive on our way
working will have an impact. Conclusion of the survey: the Swiss
The population is satisfied with their work today, but
As for the future, there are not many problems with boys
L & # 39; uncertainty. (PBL / pd)

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