Swiss puts a fake passenger on a plane in London


Two Sandro Bachmanns both want to fly with Swiss from Zurich to London, one at 3:30 pm, the other a little less than two hours later. At Zurich Airport, this circumstance has recently caused a lot of confusion, as reported "Schweiz am Wochenende".

When the first Sandro Bachmann wanted to use his ticket to pass the security fence, the fire turned red. Confused, he turned to the staff. The lady in charge has checked the boarding card and the identity – let it pass.

The namesake s' sits in the wrong plane

At the door then the next hurdle. Sandro Bachmann wants to get on the plane, the ground staff denied him access. Because: The computer indicates that he is already sitting in the machine.

The passenger can hardly believe it. The staff is initially confused, can show his booking details. The time of departure is approaching, Bachmann becomes nervous.

Finally, he is allowed to board. In the dock of the fingers, a smiling man comes to meet him, wishes him a good trip. The man is his namesake, Sandro Bachmann – he sits in the wrong plane.

Switzerland: "An absolute exceptional case"

Apparently, the second painting was printed in the second Sandro Bachmann at the time of recording. The staff probably only had on the name and destination, not the date of birth or the exact time respected.

According to Swiss, the name confusion is an "absolute isolated case". And in the end, everything went well: the first Sandro Bachmann just reached his flight, his namesake flew to London two hours later. (hah)

Posted on 07.07.2018 | Updated at 15:11

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