The cantons of Basel cooperate in the field of health – Basel


Parliamentary committees support common health care and, to a large extent, the merging of university and cantonal hospitals.

BASEL / LIESTAL (nda). The merger of the Basel University Hospital (USB) and the Cantonal Hospital Basel-Landschaft (KSBL) with the North West University Hospital (USNW) is a step in before: the preliminary advisory committees of the two cantonal parliaments are at the origin of the project. The majority recommends both to approve the state contract for the hospital group, as evidenced by the reports issued Monday by the Basel-City Health and Social Commission (GSK) and the Economic and Health Commission of the Basel District Council (VGK)

. State Treaty for Common Health Care. The committees welcome the planned intensified cooperation, their presidents told the media in Basel. Cooperation is considered effective for the region. Joint planning ensures affordable, optimal and safe healthcare, said VGK President Rahel Bänziger. According to GSK President Sarah Wyss, statistics show that there are no more cantonal borders. However, according to the presidents of the two commissions, the project to merge university and cantonal hospitals in the North West University Hospital has sparked "intensive discussions" for a variety of reasons.

In Basel-City, the preservation of the Bruderholz hospital site in Basel is particularly controversial. said Wyss. With the intended legal form as a corporation with a public purpose, the Superintendency can not be perceived as "very limited". The bill is also unbalanced, according to a minority of the Commission. At the time of the merger, Basel-City is expected to participate in USNW AG with a maximum of 66.6% and Basel-Landschaft with at least 33.4%. A partnership sponsorship would require 50% participation each. In the Basel region too, a minority of VGK considers that the participation rate is insufficient. Half a participation was therefore discussed, said Bänziger. Baselland, however, can not afford the additional 145 million Swiss francs "with the best will".

In Basel, the GSK recommends to the Grand Council from eight to five votes an acceptance of submission to the hospital group. In the Basel region, the VGK recommends, with ten or two votes, the acceptance of the Landratsbeschluss, whereby the state treaty on the hospital group is unanimously recommended for adoption. In the city, the bill also contains a new law of participation in the USNW. It regulates according to Wyss especially the intra-cantonal relationship between the parliament and the government. It also states that Basel should hold at least 50% of the capital. Treaties will be discussed in parliaments in the autumn. Subsequently, voters in plebiscites get the last word. These votes are scheduled for February 2019. The contracts must come into force at the beginning of 2020.

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