No more than two glasses for men and no more than one for women a day: The Federal Alcohol Commission has revised down its recommendations for low-risk alcohol consumption.
(nda) The deciding factor for adaptation was the scientific findings, reported Wednesday by the Federal Commission on Alcohol (Ekal). Healthy men should therefore not consume more than two glasses of alcohol a day, a healthy woman at most one. In addition, every week several days without alcohol are activated. By standard glass is meant the amount of alcohol normally spilled in a restaurant, that is, a beer bar, a glass of wine or a glass of schnapps. A standard glass usually contains 10 to 12 grams of pure alcohol.
Fit for Health
In his guide published in 2015, Ekal recommended a maximum of two glasses for healthy eating and one to two drinks for healthy men. In addition, at least two non-alcoholic days a week had been mentioned in the document at the time
In general, alcohol consumption should be adapted to physical and mental health. Pregnant women and women who want to become pregnant, Ekal completely advises on the consumption of alcohol, as well as during breastfeeding. Elderly people and people taking medication should drink alcohol with caution and with restraint. Ekal advises young people under 16 years of age to refrain completely from alcohol.
The attention, insight and responsiveness diminished after the first drink, writes Ekal. Alcohol should therefore not be consumed not only in traffic but also at work, in sports and in all activities requiring concentration.
One in five uses high risk
According to the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) about 4 percent of over-15s eat regularly. About a person over the age of fifteen consumes alcoholics point by point, which means that they drink at least five glasses (men) or four glasses (women) at least once a month in a few hours.
Ekal is an extra-parliamentary commission. She claims to deal with issues directly or indirectly related to the health effects of alcohol consumption.
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