The communities of Aargau pay money for the celebration


August 1st – the official birthday of the Swiss Confederation. In almost every community, the Swiss celebrate their country and its history.

Even the elected representatives engage in their patriotism that day. Not for all of them is August 1st but pure matter of the heart. Some municipal councils of the Canton of Aargau also get a scholarship for the stock market.

Up to 40 francs per hour

According to the Aargauer Zeitung, the executive members of Bözberg and Schinznach-Bad are specially paid to attend the celebrations. In Bözberg, there is an extraordinary sum of 40 francs an hour for the bratwurst who eat and shake hands, in Schinznach-Bad there are 35 francs.

Other municipalities, such as Schinznach or Lupfig, also pay their local councils, according to the "Aargauer Zeitung", but in the regular annual salary. Therefore, there is no additional income for the celebrations.

Not everywhere there is money

No money for participation in the federal holiday receive, for example, representatives of the small community Mandach near Brugg AG. Participation was a matter of honor there. (wif)

Posted on 24.07.2018 | Updated at 20:10

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