The control of people in Zurich leads to a great discovery of cocaine in Solothurn


During a search in Solothurn, the police got over four kilos of cocaine and large sums of money. Two suspected drug traffickers were arrested. The trigger was a person control in the city of Zurich

  In total, the police obtained more than four kilograms of cocaine of a commercial value of several hundred thousand francs and more than 35,000 francs in cash. (Photo: Stadtpolizei Zürich)

Overall, the police obtained more than four kilograms of cocaine of commercial value of several hundred thousand francs and more than 35,000 francs in cash. (Photo: Stadtpolizei Zürich)

len. On Saturday afternoon, a police patrol of the city of Zurich noticed a man on Badenerstrasse in circle 4, who behaved suspiciously. When police checked shortly before 14:00, they got over 300 grams of cocaine and several hundred francs of money. Their investigation led them to a car parked nearby. In collaboration with border guard specialists, the emergency services took a closer look at the vehicle. According to the police release of the city of Zurich, they discovered a hiding place containing several hundred grams of cocaine

. Other investigations led the investigators to an apartment in the canton of Solothurn. In cooperation with the cantonal police in Solothurn, the investigators carried out a search and several hundred cocaine-filled casseroles and tens of thousands of francs were guaranteed. In addition to the controlled man, another suspect could be arrested in the canton of Solothurn

Overall, the police obtained more than four kilograms of cocaine of commercial value of several hundred thousands of francs and more than 35,000 francs in cash. Based on the situation on the ground, according to the investigators, the cocaine is stretched, repackaged and redistributed from the house. The two alleged drug traffickers are two 35-year-old men who were taken to the Zurich prosecutor's office.

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