<figure class = "image-c item active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/ 19 / 96d9943e-9c97-41ac-acdd-621711207b17.jpeg? Rect = 131% 2C0% 2C1017% 2C765 & w = 1024 & format = "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer, Single, Looking For … ": Senior Martin embraces
The couple Martin (80) and the woman Ina (76) have a good night's kiss on the first day of the agricultural week in Nidwalden, but there are still some things to improve, according to Martin.
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The two hear brilliantly. The farmer Martin (80) and the lady of the court Ina (76) finished the first day of the agricultural week in Nidwalden with a good night's kiss. Martin
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"Farmer, single, looking for … ": Senior Martin embracing
It is understandable that Ina, in the meantime, does not want to resist Martin Farmer's look, he can make beautiful eyes! Picture: 3+
It is understandable that Lady Ina does not want to resist Bauer Martin's vision. He can make beautiful eyes!
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" Farmer, single, seeking … ": Senior Martin practicing kisses
Farmer Martin (right) apparently managed to convey his seductive skills, and his grandson (not pictured) was a surprise to his grandmother. father and his lady-in-law Ina organized a romantic carriage ride.
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The farmer Martin (right) has clearly managed to convey his seductive skills. His grandson (not pictured) organized a romantic carriage ride to surprise his grandfather and Miss Ina.
<figure class = "c-image figure item active lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin- ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/9ac64d63-5fc2-49e3-a771-4afb33b049cb.jpeg?rect=171% 2C0% 2C1017% 2C765 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer, single, seeking …": Senior Martin embracing
Ina was very enthusiastic about transportation, flowers, hunting Martin She confessed to the passionate hunter: "Now you have a loot – look at me! "Looks like he's already killed her – sorry! – vanquished.
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Ina was very excited about the trolley, the flowers, the Martins hunting trophies and the set table. She confessed to the passionate hunter, "Now you have a prey, look at me!" Looks like he's already killed her – I'm sorry! – defeated.
<figure class = "image-c element active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs -bluewin- ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/69/69fadb60-59ce-4ba5-b29f-2a63f1029d93.jpeg?rect=171%2C0%2C1017%2C765&w=1024&auto=format "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer, single, looking for …": Senior Martin kissing
What Hofdame Martina likes to advance, could be expected on thatch.HCLFHLAt the Hofweek she came to the canton of St. Gallen more sooner than expected and burst into Peter's final preparations: "Let me reach up to the heart!"
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This maid of honor, Martina, who likes to jump forward, was already suspected on thatch. For Hofweek, she came earlier than announced in the canton of St. Gallen and broke into Peter's final preparations: "Let me put you back on the heart!"
<figure class = "image-c element active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin- ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/7e5b4c7e-337a -4793-bb7b-85a4e9ac4595.jpeg? Rect = 171% 2C0% 2C1017% 2C765 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer, Single, Seeking …": Senior Martin Kissing [19659002PeterhadalreadybeenwaitingfortheadornedwithhisfraudsandshadowsallofastrickenheartwastobesparedTheuniformednesswouldbeequallyimpressiveMartinawithhisbudgetsfounded
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Already in the beard, Peter had attracted the lady of honor with his strawberries. To feed, there was a whole heart of strawberry. The regular single also impressed Martina with her decent budget
<figure class = "image-c item active lslide item" data-component-name = "image" data- src = " https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/0c286626-a011-4be5-91a8-23506a1a58dd.jpeg?rect=171%2C0%2C1017%2C765&w=1024&auto=format "data- sub-html = "
" Farmer, Single, Looking For … ": Senior Martin Kissing
" I thought he liked dancing to my tune, but when he m & n Was offered a conditional release, I thought: Oops! "Peter had simply rejected a suggestion from Martina:" You must see that you still have his opinion across, "smiled the farmer confidently.
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"I thought that he liked to dance at my own pace, but when he suggested I leave, I thought: Oops!" Peter had simply made a decorative proposal from Martina. You must see that you have your opinion, "smiles the farmer with confidence.
<Figure class =" c-image figure active lslide element "data-component-name =" Image "data-src =" https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/d93bf089-2276-4918-9d61-76cc75f8780d.jpeg?rect=159%2C0% 2C1017% 2C765 & w = 1024 & car = format "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer, single, looking for …": Senior Martin hugging
Then all the gym club came At Peter C's farm was the first time that the 54-year-old woman (second from right), still inexperienced in relationship-related matters, was introducing a woman to her colleagues Martina (right) was mastering the job. open attack of esp laughs "and" taff "
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Then the whole gymnastics club came to Peter's farm. It was the first time that the 54-year-old still inexperienced (second from the right) introduced colleagues to a wife. Martina (right) has mastered the "open-minded" and "taff" attack (Peter's words).
<figure class = "c-image figure element active lslide" name-component-data = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin- ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/cc27594d-8cbd-4d65-a56a-81b74a155cbe.jpeg?rect=171%2C0%2C1017% 2C765 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer, Single, Seeking …": Senior Martin Kissing
Farmer Pia attaches great importance to respectful interaction with humans and animals, Temperament: Like her, Forstwart Markus hopes that it works well with each other at work.To be sure, he brought his brushcutter – in addition to a bouquet of roses – if the two Bernese will harmonize well.
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] ">
Farmer Pia attaches great importance to respectful interaction with humans and animals as well as a calm temperament. Like her, Forstwart Markus wants it to work well together at work. To be on the safe side, he brought his brushcutter – in addition to a bouquet of roses. Will the two Bernese harmonize well?
<figure class = "c-image figure active lslide article" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin- ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/c4a99e02-f608-42b3-a83c-010231f43bac.jpeg?rect=171%2C0%2C1017%2C765&w=1024&auto=format "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer , single, looking for … ": Senior Martin embracing
" I think we could already be a couple, "said Markus, after every cow was up Pia was downright outrageous because the prudent farmer's wife had never been seen before …
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"I think maybe we could become a couple doing something," said Markus after each cow was transported to his stall in the stable. Pia was really extroverted. The wife of the prudent farmer had not been seen this way before …
<Figure class = "c-picture figure article Active lslide "data-component-name =" Image "data-src =" https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/1f8e4742-574e-4ed7-a709-322e4ffee542.jpeg ? rect = 153% 2C0% 2C1017% 2C765 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer, Single, Seeking …": Senior Martin Kissing
Pia seemed very proud from his welcome gift: The broom in the doorway was supposed to hold the evil spirits … Markus remained calm: "I do not think so much about the brooms and the spirits of the house, but if she believes it, it's Is well. "
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Pia seemed very proud of her welcome gift: The broom in the doorway was supposed to repel evil spirits … Markus remained calm: "I do not think so much of the brooms and the spirits of the house. if she thinks so, it's fine. "
<figure class =" image-c item active lslide item "data-component-name =" Image "data- src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/fe63e58b-04c5-4c5a-8d4b-dc88f6553f45.jpeg?rect=171%2C1017%2C765&w=1024&auto=format" data -sub-html = "
" Farmer, Single, Seeks … ": Senior Martin Practices Kiss
After Pia explained the story of almost all the furniture in the room, there was a Intimate hug at bedtime Mark
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After Pia had explained the story of almost all the furniture in the guest room, there was an intimate bed and breakfast with Markus
<figure class = "figure c-image item active lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/f4d428ab -fa78-4adb-b7ce-ca795b1fa157 .jpg = recto = 171% 2C0% 2C1017% 2C765 & w = 1024 & format = "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer, Single, Seeking …": Senior Martin Kissing
The young farmer Michael had such a beautiful Salon built on the tractor and prepared a good picnic for the arrival of Sara – he then pulled the program even in rainy weather.
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The young farmer Michael had built such a nice salon on the tractor and prepared a nice picnic for Sara's arrival – he then ran the program even in rainy weather.
= "c-image figure active lslide element" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: //production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix .net / 2018/7/19 / 6a1cdd8a-730b- 4335-8f87-c068d945b5d9.jpeg? Rect = 187% 2C0% 2C1017% 2C765 & w = 1024 & format = "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer , single, seeking … ": Senior Martin Kissing
A chicken between them was still needed for a small unit of cuddles, but Michael and Sara were beaming promisingly on poultry." Michael: "C & rsquo; Was a little tingling. "
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He still needed a chicken between them for a little hug. But on poultry Michael and Sara were already promising. Michael: "It was a little tingling."
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"Farmer, single , seeking … ": Senior Martin Kissing
The large and beautiful courtyard with swimming pool of the Canton of Bern, where Sara is allowed to spend the agricultural week, has only one catch: Michael does not live there with his family, but has his own apartment nearby.
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The large and beautiful courtyard with swimming pool in the canton of Bern, where Sara is allowed to spend the week of the farm, has only one grabbed: Michael does not live there with his family, but has his own apartment nearby.
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" Farmer, single, seeking .. Martin takes care of kissing
"I only have dogs and a child." Her granddaughter had not brought Claudia to the canton of Thurgau, but her dogs Jack and Veit were far from him. Head: "It looks even better than it was two days ago."
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"I am only with dogs and with a child." His little girl had not brought the lady Claudia to the canton of Thurgau, but her dogs Jack and Veit. Bauer Simon thought of something else: "It seems even better than two days ago.
<figure class = "c-image figure element active lslide" name-component-data = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin- ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/d6ce7caf-3567-450d-8ce0-aa965daae62a.jpeg?rect=196%2C0%2C1017% 2C765 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer, Single, Seeking …": Senior Martin Kissing
The planned picnic was replaced by a visit to the stable due to the weather conditions. also to rebuild and extend a lady of the Permanent Court.
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The planned picnic was replaced by a visit to the stable due to weather conditions. Simon explained to Claudia that he would rebuild and extend it for a permanent court lady. -component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/dddb693e-b73f-49cc-ba7b-a1ceeda1436b.jpeg?rect=196 % 2C0% 2C1017% 2C765 & w = 1024 & car = format "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer, Single, Seeking …": Senior Martin Kissing
At the presentation of his Simon says he saw a "wow effect" in Claudia's eyes. In fact, she later explained to him: "My furniture taste is not exactly the same …"
Image: 3+
During the presentation of his guest room, Simon said to have seen in Claudia's eyes a "wow effect". In fact, she explained later: "The taste of my furniture is not quite the same …"
<Figure class = "c-image figure item active lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/0c6e2531-2be5- 4610-a720-432265259ac0.jpeg? Rect = 277% 2C0% 2C1017% 2C765 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer, Single, Seeking …": Senior Martin practicing kisses
Manuela had never driven a tractor, she had betrayed Andreas to stubble.The mayor quickly responded to his request and even brought him back with a collector car saying: "I think it's true … "between him and the lady of honor.
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Manuela had never driven a tractor, she had betrayed Andreas to stubble. The mayor quickly responded to his request and even picked it up with a collector car. He thinks: "I think it's true …" between him and the lady of honor.
<figure class = "c-image figure item active lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin- ch.imgix.net/2018/7/19/0f9d5b3e-6de7-425d-bbf8-b65006ca45d9.jpeg?rect=121% 2C0% 2C1017% 2C765 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="
"Farmer, Single, Seeking …": Senior Martin Kissing
The Empress Manuela is not on a farm in Basel-Country, An apartment shared with three good cooks , allegedly! The most important ground of agreement between farmer Andreas (second from the right) and her: The two believe in love at first sight
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Mistress Manuela landed in Basel-Land, not on a farm, but in a men's apartment. An apartment for men with three good cooks, so-called! The most important ground of agreement between farmer Andreas (second from the right) and her: Both believe in love at first sight.