The engine driver can barely stop in front of the car on the tracks


The rapid response of a train driver on the road between Wil and Uzwil in the Canton of St. Gallen probably saved a lot of damage on Sunday morning. The train could be stopped just before the collision with a car standing on the railway track

  Lucky in the misfortune for a damaged driver in the canton of St. Gallen: his car is come to SBB to extend to a stop. A train driver could stop just in time. (Image: Cantonal Police of St. Gallen)

Lucky of an accidenter in the canton of St. Gallen: his car stopped on the SBB line. A train driver could stop just in time. (Photo: cantonal police of St. Gallen)


According to the cantonal police of St. Gallen, a 32-year-old, non-navigable man left his car at 6 am The vehicle slipped on an uncontrolled embankment and stopped on the SBB St. Gallen-Zurich dual-track line

The accident resulted in a two-hour train disruption. No one was hurt, but the damage is substantial. The driver received a sample of blood and urine. A specialized company hid the ambulance.

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